New Story ~ Part 12

June 10, 2013 at 11:19 pm (Inklings from Hisimagenme) (, , , , , )


New Story Continued…

Sakira sat with her kinder-folks, Evander and Sakirina. Their faces reflecting excitement while their minds rolled with questions.

“So…Shimkee is thinkin’ this King lad has come then?” Evander looked up at Sakira. The question seemed to be out of sync with inquisitiveness – holding more a need for solidarity than confirmation.

“The Tinder-tale, should it be true, says so, Popseeies.” Sakira replied.

“I must speak with Shimkee myself then. I seem to recall the tale differently than your retelling from Shimkee’s memory.” Evander stood and reached for Sakirina’s hand. She rose and stood with him. They each took one of Sakira’s hands in their own and the three stood encircled.

“Father-all hide you in the arms of His light. Be a’calmed as you ride the night. The moon and stars be over your head; to keep the shadows withheld from dread. Hold His skeins tinder-child of ours and close your eyes for many hours.” Evander spoke the ancient nighttime blessing over Sakira, kissing her forehead. Sakirina folded her into her arms.

“I have not a’heard you speak the blessing in a long time, Popseeies.” Tears gathered in Sakira’s eyes, half-full.

“Forgive me Sakira, a shadow made me believe you had outgrown it. I see now, none of us have. Off with you now, tomorrow comes. We wait a’calmed, yes?” Evander wiped an escaping tear from her cheek.
“Huh! Why – your eyes don’t agree with each other on which color is more beautiful – I agree, both make their own beauty held in each of yours Shak’y.” He smiled

“Thank you, Popseeies, a’calmed night, know my love Mamanah.” Sakira left to her nest-bed in the corner of the cottage.

Evander and Sakirina went into their room and closed the door.

The Evander-house was small, having only one separate room apart from the living quarters containing the cooking area, a few chairs which surrounded the fire-pit, and a small cold storage nook dug and built off the entry. Sakira’s nest-bed was closest to the small round window in the corner farthest away from the cooking corner. The metal-bellied stove was central to the cottage. Its backside enclosed and disappeared into the stone wall that a’joined her kinder-folk’s room and the living quarters. There was another opening on their side by which the fire could be fed. It was a cozy and warm home – full of rich history and loving care.

Sakira laid down. The warmth of the fire seemed to feed the colors and textures of the cottage around her. Burnt copper coated the walls, popping in color. The woods of various tones of browns hugged the home with strength and structure. The smells of breads and spices pulled music into the love of the hands that tended the home. Sakira had felt she imagined these things before – having hints of clarity brush through her mind at times. Yet the Darkcloud had whisped like a thief the notion before. Now…it clapped in truism – better than she had imagined. She closed her eyes holding the happiness she felt like a blanket. Not many minutes later…she began to dream.


Part 13; God willing next week 🙂

For those just joining this New Story adventure – click the link below, scroll down to the bottom and page back to Part 1…enjoy! 🙂

Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ❤


  1. Toni Sprandel said,



  2. New Story ~ Part 12 | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] New Story ~ Part 12. […]


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