Carma or Judgement

June 19, 2013 at 2:59 am (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Psalms 8:16

His mischief will return onto his own head, his violence will recoil onto his own skull.

Psalms 9:15-16

The nations have drowned in the pit they dug, caught their own feet in the net they hid.
Adonai made Himself known and executed judgement; the wicked are ensnared in the work of their own hands.

Psalms 5:10

God, declare them guilty!
Let them fall through their own intrigues, for their many crimes, throw them down; since they have rebelled against You.

Psalms 37:15

But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.

Throughout history one thing repeats itself over and over without fail. Humans learn the truth from GOD first, and either turn and run towards Him or turn and run away. And as they run away they “reinvent” the truths they learned from God. Carma instead of judgement. Humans rights instead of humble giving without expectations or need for acknowledgement. Tit for tat instead of ‘here’s my shirt and coat and my right cheek and my left. “Reasoning and educating” into self awareness as a means for improvement instead of confessing the simplicity of sin and repentance as the ONLY grace that saves. Circumstantial excuse making instead of trusting the fully trustworthy ways of a God who makes no exceptions out of the very definition of faithfulness. Reinventing science as if humans have the ability to reason apart from the very Creator that can do as He pleases with anything – turn gravity into levity; water into anything; dust into a human; stars into planets; light to darkness; sin into beauty; physics into chemistry; chemistry into music; music into chaos. He wrote the rules, has all the power to rewrite them…only He! So above we see…long ago…David prayed in the tone of what the world now calls “carma”; but look those scriptures up…read the surrounding words. God calls it judgement and justice, God is the One who causes and effects…not mankind. There is no such thing as carma, only the ways of a God who either gives as we don’t deserve because we choose Him or gives exactly what we choose without Him.

Tough words, there’s no sugar for the bitter pill of correction. We swallow and our pride melts if we do. If we spit it out, the “sweetness” that may appear in the rejection of His love, will in the end be a bitter pill that shall lodge in the throat and fight pride in an eternal agony.
We cannot take what God says or does and conform it to an image of our choosing or “making”. We either become His Image reflecting Him or a mirage of vastly empty space. There’s the Truth and a whole bunch of lies. It doesn’t “pay” to have options all the time. I am a Child of Adonai Elohim, what ‘goes around’ in His Kingdom will never be ‘you get what you give’. We can give only what He gives and we receive, there’s no “take out” parking. We don’t “save up” for a rainy day…we give as soon as He gives. Our dependence upon Him is solidified this way alone. And they that depend wholly upon God are; never betrayed to the enemy; always satisfied, joyful, full of thanks; surrounded and hidden in a Fortress that defies reason; given the ability to see beyond the physical; given the ability to hear and follow a Voice that leads them in the blackest of environments; given a love that becomes leprous to carnal abuses and inattention; and a Hope that does not, ever disappoint.

I will take judgement over carma. Both to stand in myself, for I trust the Judge for true justice; and for my outlook on others; for His Judgement lays in the Realm of Righteousness that He alone has earned! Glory to the God of Judgement, for His mercies that never fail and graces that acquit the most vile of sinners at the mere turning from within from the way that leads to destruction. This ability to judge comes only in a God who truly is the Creator of all things. As of this day…He made only One Human who can share this sight…Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah – and He chose to die that all may live. Errrr…well…at least be given the choice to. But in so choosing, we then die in order that He may live in us. 🙂

That ain’t carma, that’s a gracious miracle!


Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ❤


  1. Rob Barkman said,

    “That ain’t carma, that’s a gracious miracle!” Amen Both the judgment and salvation that proceeds from the Lord is a miracle indeed. Judgment, in that He is always, perfectly, just (giving that which is only deserved). And salvation, in the miraculous giving of His Son to sacrifice Himself on the cross and the application of His work to our accounts…. they are all miracles indeed!

    Thanks for a great reminder of His wonders. Lord bless you.


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      May His grace continue to Light the Way in you Brother! Thank you for your time, in reading and comment…you bless me!


  2. Carma or Judgement | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Carma or Judgement. […]


  3. Toni Sprandel said,

    Awesome, outstanding!


  4. Toni Sprandel said,



  5. linda herz said,

    wow that’s a powerful Good GOD


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