What Did Yeshua Think? ~ Part 4

July 2, 2013 at 11:43 pm (Remodeling the Mind) (, , , , , , , , )


John 14:15 ~ Yeshua (Jesus) speaking…

“If you love Me, you will keep My commands;”

The following is taken from The Ancient Hebrew Dictionary by Jeff A. Benner. Page 116

Mits-wah: translation: Directive definition: serving or intended to guide, govern, or influence; serving to point direction.

More about the word: Mits-vah

The word command, as well as commandment, are used to translate the Hebrew word mits’vah but does not properly convey the meaning of mits’vah. The word command implies words of force or power as a General commands his troops. The word mits’vah is better understood as a directive. To see the picture painted by this word, it is helpful to look at a related word tsiyon (which is also the name Zion) meaning a desert or a landmark. The ancient Hebrews were nomadic people who traveled in search of green pastures for their flocks. A nomad uses the various rivers, mountains, rock outcroppings, etc as landmarks to give them their direction. The verbal root of mits’vah and tsiyon is tsavah meaning to direct one on a journey. The mits’vah of the Bible are not commands, or rules and regulations, they are directives or landmarks that we look for to guide us.

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Just prior to the above scripture we can see the “language” of the meanings via Hebrew all over Yeshua’s (Jesus) words.

John 14:1-7 ~ Yeshua speaking…

Do not let yourselves be disturbed. Trust in God and trust in Me. In My Father’s house are many places to live. If there weren’t I would have told you; because I am going there to prepare a place for you. Since I am going and preparing a place for you, I will return to take you with Me; so that where I am, you may be also. Furthermore, you know where I am going; and you know the way there.
T’oma (Thomas) said to Him, “Lord, we don’t know where you’re going; so how can we know the way?”
Yeshua said, “I Am the Way – the Truth and the Life: no one comes to the Father except through Me. Because you have known Me, you will also know My Father; from now on, you do know Himin fact, you have seen Him.

Before issuing the directive to obey His commands (directives), Yeshua points to Himself as the “landmark” for the Way! There is a definitiveness to the statement in verse 15. To take the perspective from the Hebraic sense is not to make the directives of God…shall we say optional. Though we do indeed have the choice to follow in His directives, the truth that there is no other way than His to get where He is going is final. The choice is go our way or go His. Note also that we must look for Him.

The 10 Commandments as we call them are landmarks to knowing, hearing, seeing and getting to our true Home…the very heart of God! When looked at as rules to check off as duty…you end up on “Bypass Road”…able to get a glimpse of the promise land but still unable to find the route into the “city”. When taken as directives, the map to God, Himself’s heart, with the only desire to keep them as to know Him more. The route is direct. Its the difference between religion and what Yeshua asks of those who love Him…a following. He stays ever before us, as atonement for our sins so that we may enter The Father’s presence; ever before us as a continual “landmark” by which we can see that defies north, south, east, or west! The language of Yeshua was a complete picture of both the Old and New Testaments! The Hebrew’s (Thomas and the disciples) that Yeshua was speaking to knew the commandments backwards and forwards, indeed they were given to them first! Yeshua spent much time showing the difference between a Trusting Follow verses a pharasitical religion. Keeping the commands to prove to one’s self they are good verses following the directives out of love for the God they say they serve.

Again we see this perspective of directive in the following interaction between Yeshua and the Roman soldier.

Matthew 8:5-13

As Yeshua entered K’far-Nachem (Capernaum), a Roman army officer came up and pleaded for help. “Sir, my orderly is lying at home paralyzed and suffering terribly!” Yeshua said, “I will go and heal him.” But the officer answered, “Sir, I am unfit to have you come into my home. Rather, if You will only give the command, my orderly will recover. For I too am a man under authority. I have soldiers under me, and I say to this one, ‘Go!’ and he goes; to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes; to my slave, ‘Do this!’ and he does it.” On hearing this Yeshua was amazed and said to the people following Him. “Yes, I tell you, I have not found anyone in Israel with such trust! Moreover, I tell you many will come from the east and from the west to take their places at the feast in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham, Yitz’chak (Isaac) and Ya’akov (Jacob). But those born for the Kingdom will be thrown outside in the dark, where people will wail and grind their teeth!” Then Yeshua said to the officer, “Go, let it be for you as you have trusted.” And his orderly was healed at that very moment.

Note: The soldier looked for Yeshua and found his help. The Roman soldier, who had never read the commandments, never known God, knew better than all those around who had, the perspective of God where commands and directives were concerned. Notice too, where it says ‘those born for the Kingdom’ this refers to the Hebrews who “cut their teeth” on the very heart of God (His Directives) but even knowing the Hebraic perspective, were blind (in the dark). They were not doing with trust in God, but rather in God’s “words”. Its a fine line, and only the Spirit can illuminate the difference.
Also note; where the soldier emphasized his home as unfit. Most people don’t recognize the significance in his pointing this out. When its taught in church the focus is on the difference between Jewish “cleanliness” tradition verses gentile. This is a good point, but…the emphasis is meant to point out that an “uneducated, unclean, heathen – grasped the concept of “his way verses God’s” better than the Jews who practiced the cleansing rituals all their lives! No one but the Spirit could have taught this man that! It was a significant distinction again that proves God chooses whom He will, no “rules” as mankind see’s them will ever dictate God’s decisions. Ruth was gentile, and God chose her, too! Showing again the difference between “rule keeping” and following to get to know the God who directs!

Oh how hard it is to follow verses rule keep! To understand a loving Director and Guide is the goal of doing as the Word says. Not to check our list to determine for ourselves if our house is fit for Him. He makes a “fit Home” none other. We look for Him to show us the Way. And He is ever faithful to be the Landmark we can see, no matter who we are, where we are…He brings us Home! Glory to God!!


Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ❤


  1. Men of One Accord said,

    This is an outstanding post! Yeshua has blessed you with wisdom thank-you for sharing with us. Yahweh bless you, Amen.


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Ahhh, Brother James! It delights my heart to hear how Abba blesses! Your work in the Kingdom is profound! Hold tight and keep going in courage and love for Him!
      Grace and peace to you!


  2. Toni Sprandel said,

    I loved this post. Thank you Lisa


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Love YOU Sister Toni, I pray your Hubby is better! Shalom and grace to you! Let freedom reign!


  3. Rob Barkman said,

    Very well done… I especially appreciated…

    “The Roman soldier, who had never read the commandments, never known God, knew better than all those around who had, the perspective of God where commands and directives were concerned.”

    That is a great point, that never really “hit” me before. There is a whole message/blog posting on this one point!

    Lord bless you. Thanks for your faithfulness to our Lord!


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Isn’t it amazing how the Spirit does exactly what Yeshua said He’d do! Repeat, remind, restore! Blessings upon blessing Brother Barkman! I will check that out!


  4. Steve Rebus said,

    I love your teaching, and the way you dissect words and explain the meanings. Thanks so much for always being here to teach me. God bless you! 🙂


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Many blessings to you too Brother Steve. I, too, enjoy all God says thru you 🙂


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