As My Magnet

July 12, 2013 at 11:35 am (Devotionals) (, , )


The following is taken from Progress of Another Pilgrim by Frances J. Roberts.

(Speaking in the Lord’s voice to the reader)

Many there are whom I am drawing, and what will you if I have chosen to use you as My magnet? A magnet’s effectiveness is constituted by virtue of what it IS. It cannot of itself either move or speak. It simply IS, and on the strength of what it is, it exerts its influence. One thing only is necessary for its operation – that is, to be brought into proximity and working distance to the other object. Even so, let Me move you by My hand into the places of vital influence.
All the rest of the work I will accomplish through the power of My Spirit within you.

Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ❤


  1. lessonsbyheart said,

    Kind of like a “chick” magnet, eh? Only we’re supposed to attract dead people. Never thought of myself as a “corpse magnet” before! 😉

    This takes all the striving to accomplish off our plates – and puts it back with Jesus, where it was all along. I love the freedom this brings.



    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Ahhh…ya gave a big dose of cheer dear Sister in Jesus! Shalom and grace in Him who draws us…The Magnet!! 🙂


  2. Toni Sprandel said,

    And we are those magnets to be used of by the LORD. Great post!


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