
February 3, 2014 at 12:19 am (Poems) (, , , , )


Tears are the drops of clear blood that that clear your vision

So that what you see after they flow is not what’s “leftover”

But what remains for us to see is all that really mattered in the first place

Usually Love.

They are the strain removers of fear

And the eliminators of the odors of expectations

The fuel by which they often flow is the fire that kills one thing for another truer thing to grow

They tap into an unseen or forgotten world and remove the fog of apathy

Tears are made up in the molecules of light

Light shining in the darkness

Blowing in the winds of change

Tears are the hope of the heart; flowing onto the face of purpose; anointing the cheeks with colors that only light and liquid can reveal as rainbows

Tears are a sign of promise.

Falling as they may – they promise to lift up

Never falling to fade away but collected to prove themselves one day


Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah


  1. Linda Herz said,

    beeeeeeeeeyooooooteeeeful. luvnhugs


  2. Tears | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Tears. […]


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