
February 24, 2014 at 4:45 am (Poems, Prayers) (, , , , , , , , , )


I come bent in absolute worship
Bowed face to the dust I am made of
All else that is of me bent to You who made me
And everything this soul had ever seen, touched, smelt, or known
Can I bend down lower?
Oh Father is there any part of me that won’t submit?
Root it out! Those weeds that defy You.
Shrink the tumors of self guidance
Radiate the cancer of self agrandousment
Creat in me a completely new heart
One that I’ve never known before
Like a child in awe of You for the first time.
Oh to be released from the bondage of all knowing that isn’t You.
To be completely taken up in the Wonder of Wonderful
To be inside the intimacy of Counselor
To forsake everything but Mighty God!
Oh how I bend in relinquishment, abandon, and humility.

Doubts chase me relentlessly
Hounds that circle the You in Me
Sinister questions that twist and distort
Surround sound arrows that point in both directions
In and out
Shading and shadowing every solid thing

But You are the Son shining bright in this shell
Remind me that it starts from the inside out
I can only follow the path of Your shining
The shadows tell the story of You too.
The insane sounds to my reasoning are proof that Your ways are not mine
Nor can they be found by touching and grasping at all that Your Light shines on. You spoke; and there was Light
What more need I know to trust?
Perhaps You know now and the answer awaits eternal
A perception too big for such a temporal frame.
Or perhaps it’s in the new morn dawning.
Just beyond the dimmed view
So then You say
“Just keep on seeking… the morning My Child, is where all things are new. ”
So here I am Bright Morning Star a’shinin’
Bowed and bent within this frame
All I have to offer is this giving
Giving up my own domain
My rights to own the slightest twinkle
The sparks they fly from the fire of Your Son
They move along the breeze of Your speaking
And find their purpose in what He’s done
No matter what I believe He’s still doing
The things You’ve planned where victory’s won.
I trust my all to Your simple leading
And give all the glory to Your Son.


Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah


  1. Submission | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Submission. […]


  2. Linda Herz said,

    my dearest lisalu – as my human perspective and interpretation of life and situations becomes more lovingly molded, comforted and re-viewed through my Master’s Eyes and not my own, i am ever the more prompted, reminded and encouraged to, plain and simply, ask Jesus. sometimes the answers don’t make sense. but then again i would imagine they didn’t make sense to noah either. they don’t need to make sense. it’s the response of my heart to Yeshua’s that counts. luvnhugs – lindalu


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      As C. S. Lewis has said;
      Friendships begin when two people look at something and say; ‘you see that too!’ (Thats paraphrased). You and I have had those moments for almost 15 years now and nearly all those ‘you too!?’ moments have been about our Father, Yeshua, the Spirit – Adonai Elohim. It’s a gift beyond what I could ever have asked for! Much love…L


  3. rolerrol said,

    I loved this poem…..

    You spoke; and there was light. What more need I know to trust?

    Great poem!!!



  4. Steve Rebus said,

    Reblogged this on iChristian and commented:
    I come bent in absolute worship


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