Morning Refrain

February 28, 2014 at 9:35 am (Devotionals, Poems) (, , , , , )


In the morning

All is a’glissening and a glitter

Your world blanketed in tears

From grieving the loss of the Sun

Yet weeping for the beauty of the Moon and stars

Now branches reach up their liquid lined arms

To touch them as the Sun eclipses their shapes

Arms open to receive what hours ago was grieved

Having been opened again by a less lighted beauty

Though no less its beauty those stars

With the moon as a song to sing

Gentle melody of reminders that even the darkness reflects Your strength a’shinin


Sleepy eyes sojourn to find what their lids have shut out with the obedience to Your command for rest

Little birds sang at my window the song of morning newness

Arousing me out of dreamy chants

Their throats full of tweety worship

Crying out Your engraved romance


New day gladness shouts hope through their wings

Inducing springs and skips in squirrel jaunts like kings


The sky is full of fresh new air

Having been cooled and weighed down with the burdens of yesterday

Now with the Suns rescue – light and free – flowing it forgets its old burdens

Offering that forgetfulness to any who breathe deep it’s offering

Waiting for the life it feeds to slow down and see its meaning

Blue to the naked eye but dressed in rainbows to those who clothe them in You


The morning is full

The Sun proves Your faithfulness

The birds fly on wings of full feathered hope

The trees shed tears reflecting the duel nature of time

And the quick witted emotion You have lined all things with

Sadness and joy are the left and right hands of the same body

At the center beats the heart of El’Elyon

The Word that awakens!


Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah


  1. Morning Refrain | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Morning Refrain. […]


  2. Sella Irene | BeautifulWords said,

    Beautiful poem and beautiful photos.Really 🙂


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