The Weave of Miracles

February 3, 2015 at 2:09 am (Prayers) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , )


* The following is a prayer written by Ted Loder. *

Praise be to You, Gracious God, for this day, this earth, this life, for the Weave of Miracles blessing us and for Your quiet power sustaining us.

We praise You for times of laughter and tears, risk and reconciliation, reflection and healing, and for the consistent presence of Your Spirit making all things sacred.

Praise to You, awesome God, for the Holy mysteries of our struggling and wondering, for our trials and triumphs, and all that moves us to awe, to love, to pray, to serve, since it is Your Spirit that moves us so and is creating us still; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


♡ Grace and Shalom in Yeshua the Messiah ♡


  1. 500ste posting geplaatst op 27 februari 2015 | Free Christadelphians: Belgian Ecclesia Brussel - Leuven said,

    […] The Weave of Miracles […]


  2. linda herz said,

    I praise God for His daily reminders and of His faithfulness…. when I was cleaning up the horse stalls this a.m. before work, He was right there with me, softly joking about the purpose for horse poop… and that by moving it around to “clean it up a bit” could even teach me the simplest of lessons… humility, wisdom, His love, etc. and how everything means something. What a sunrise too, Abba. Bravo. and Thank You for Yeshua.


  3. Alan Baglien said,

    beautiful images and words of comfort!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The Weave of Miracles | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] The Weave of Miracles. […]


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