
February 21, 2015 at 5:04 am (Mile Stones) (, , , , , , , , , )


Yesterday was my birthday.
Birthdays have always been special. I wonder where the tradition began to celebrate the birth-day of a loved one? I remember as a child wondering why the mother didn’t get special mention on them. I can’t say why the impression moved me so young. Likely because I figured she did all the “work” that day. I figured it wouldn’t hurt for her to get a few balloons and some cake too. I went along with tradition and kept my thoughts to myself, but I mentioned it to God and asked for a special blessing for my mom anyway.

The older I got, sadly the more I argued with God about how He made me. Birthdays after the age of 18 were not a welcome thing to me for many years as a result. I had missed the “big picture” – errrr at least the truer one. Then about 10 years ago, God began to show me who did all the “work” putting me together. Using many words directly to me intimately but with His Word in many scriptures like the one above. One in Romans stuck out too, talking about how the pot shouldn’t argue with the potter about how it’s made. I began to submit to changing my thinking. The result? My birthday has a different element of celebration now.

A group of 25 people met up for dinner to celebrate me. I didn’t resist. Why do we resist taking love in? This is one change. I don’t resist love like I used to – by the Grace of Yahweh! I’ll tell you a secret though…shhhhh…lean in…


2/20/2015, many loved ones not shown

I went to celebrate them! Them and all those who could not make it there. Many more of them. I would not be who and what I am without all those Adonai used to mold and shape me throughout my 40 plus years. I celebrate them and Him who made me. It’s another change. Perspective is everything. It’s not about me. Never was, but He means to make sure I know I’m His and that makes my worth beyond reckoning. It’s the difference between truth and trying to be true.

I recently heard a different perspective on prayer too. It resonates with the same frequency of the change in celebration for me.
One was asked, “what do you ask God to do for you when you pray?” Response:”I don’t ask God to do things for me; I ask what I can do for Him.” You see it? So small a tweak, but the whole picture suddenly comes into focus.

I am basking in the love showered down on me everyday from the same One who used that love to mold and shape me before I entered my mother’s womb. I basked in the love of those who called, texted, sang, sent messages and pictures, and came to dinner last night; the same love that shaped and wove them too. I let it in, and let it pour out of me too.

I celebrate Life. L’Chaim. It still includes a special mention of my mom. But it includes every single life that has brushed up against mine and held me safe and fast in a womb-like love throughout my life. So I celebrate them, celebrating me. I celebrate Him who made us all, wonderfully – His works are wonders – I do know this well!

Thank You Abba, for Life!

♡ Grace and Shalom in Yeshua the Messiah ♡


  1. Celebration | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Celebration. […]


  2. The Gospel of Barney said,

    Oh , Happy Birthday, young lady!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Gospel of Barney said,

    Abba is not “father’, but Daddy. denoting intimacy, joy, and playfulness. Jesus broke all rules using this word, but he meant too, to me it was the most beautiful word from my children. we celebrate gifts on God – children life – laughter – love!

    Liked by 1 person

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