What if I’m Wrong?

January 24, 2017 at 9:33 pm (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder, WSGD Newes)

Everyone it seems is quick to stand proud on the sense that they are right, especially about issues that have no origin in human opinion. There is more wisdom in weighing the consequences of being wrong than standing on being right. How does one question if they are wrong without being cast in the light of being insecure? 

Good question. The following is an inner dialog, you decide. 

If the Bible be true and I throw myself to live by it; then these will be the results. Life turns into an affair of forgiveness. Loving – really loving people. Giving more than I think I can. Pursuing kindness, compassion, peace, watching my speech change for nothing but encouragement and integrity instead of gossip, slander, complaint, and blaming. Finding balance in the flaws in myself and in others as seen through the eyes of God. Repentance being a worthy turn around, called victory. Honesty as the true prize. And wisdom given from God life saving. The pursuit of which is to find that God loves and desires to be known to me. Waiting at all times for this opportunity like lungs wait for air. Incomprehensible contentment no circumstances can steal. An alleviation of nerves because every day nothing depends on me, only Him, and He is able. Knowing that He will make me better than I could try to be on my own but make sure I don’t grow a huge noggin in the process. Only love as the possibility!

Yet, if the Bible be untrue…

Then I can do whatever I want. I can be all about me but try to be kind. I can use people and call it love. I can encourage to faces and still bring down behind their backs. I can choose what causes to take up. I can point the finger of blame and still call it standing for good while in effect I don’t have to do anything. I can murder a child since I get to define when life is life. I am free to kill,steal, cheat, covet and be sexually divergent with no need for conscience. I can expect the world of all things and people yet set a different standard for myself. I can hate and make it seem okay because I’m human and it’s just a feeling. I can turn my back when I’m uncomfortable. I can seem a courageous person by doing cowardly things. Money and power can define happiness. Death is avoided no matter the cost. The possibilities end when I stop breathing. 

Everyone, no matter their religion or lack thereof, says to be “good person” is the goal. It’s a crazy line of thought when taken through all the possibilities. Those pointing at Christians for being judgmental (and some are); are in effect judging them. Hypocrisy! Everyone is and gets judgmental, there is no exception religion or not. Every evil propensity known to man resides as a possibility in everyone. Christians, Buddhist, Catholics, Muslim, Mormon, Atheist, Agnostic, Satanist – American, German, French, Australian, Japanese…name them all there’s no exclusion. These all hate, murder, curse, are lazy, irresponsible, resentful, rebellious, self absorbed, self righteous; again the list goes on to the extent of the worst humanity can be. Those same people, races and creeds are capable of all the best God made humans capable of. 

I thought after my research of all religions : “What if this is right?”. What’s the risk? All religions had a peaceable aspect. Yet they all end in ‘what I get if I do’. Virgins, places of honor, reincarnation (a chance to be rich or pretty or whatever the next time). Eternal life based in the concept of what life is, based on the here and now. Whoopee!

If the Bible is right. The goal isn’t about me. The reward is to become part of the expanses God has made without limits! And He made everything! To be the best of what He made in humanity but also far beyond that. The limit only He could set and His is limitless. I risk nothing to live as He dictates, both here and now and eternally; I move towards nothing but good. He shows all things as a Father exploring and sharing the wilderness with His child. I will never feel inclined to the worst and ugliest things we are capable of again when He calls me home. Only love, kindness, patience, putting others ahead of myself, generosity on steroids, hope beyond comprehension, rejoicing only as others advance. No pouting, complaining, ungratefulness, or resentment. 

Then I think, “what in the world can be wrong with these things?” Both now and later the appeal is far greater. Those who think it’s boring to live such ways have only experienced the illusionary excitement of wrong doing. If they are honest they know it’s like a drug, it never last, so more wrong doing is required to keep up the illusion. Doing good and living selflessly is rewarding beyond words. The best part though is the One True God who set out to be known – is known ! He talks to you and the world of sin and ugliness disappears! He laughs with you, cries with you and makes His whole being available to you! God does! God! Does! It’s fantastic!

So the question, “what if I’m wrong” is pivotal. What if I’m wrong and abortion isn’t murder? Then here and now I can be a mass murderer and society will feel sorry for me and the law will back me up. 

What if I’m wrong and abortion is murder? Hmmm, then I guess I’ll either have many children along with my sexual exploits or I’ll refrain from that. I suppose I could take “birth control” and run the risk of never having children when it’s convenient for me. Yet then if it’s murder to kill a baby, what standard do I measure that by? Can I stop there and simply accept abortion is wrong and not follow every precept that same standard sets for all things? I mean if I’m going to be true and take things all the way to their smallest point, how can I stop there? Simply choosing for myself what I think I like and don’t only permits me to compromise when I’m weak. I’m pretty sure terrorist define their “good” the same as everyone else. Why should anyone be deprived of defining “good” however they want if I’m going to? The fact is historically and scientifically proven: the Bible is the oldest book in the world, even those who don’t believe or read it still think “good” is defined by its standards. 

Murder, stealing, lying = bad. Charity, loving, honesty = good.

It seems this taking from the Bible to suit the fancy of one’s definitions is a historical landmark no matter how one looks at it! What is wrong defined as? And right? Then take the search back to its origin – there resides the Truth.

Too long life has been defined by “don’t doubt yourself”! What a wretched and answerless path! Doubt yourself first, really seek out the answers; then doubt will lead you Home!

Scriptures for study: Proverbs 18 – the whole chapter; Isaiah 45:9-12; Romans 9:14-22; Job 38:1-41

♡ Grace and peace be yours in full measure in Yeshua the Messiah ♡


  1. jeffw5382 said,

    I’ve reblogged this. I found it lovely, inspiring and true for me


  2. What if I’m wrong? – WTFAI said,

    […] via What if I’m Wrong? — hisimagenme […]


  3. jeffw5382 said,

    Beautifully expressed, and that I believe is vastly understated.

    Liked by 1 person

    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Always good to see that Adonai uses the musings of this child to help others. Grace and peace to you…in Yeshua the Messiah, may you grow ever closer to Him!

      Liked by 1 person

      • jeffw5382 said,

        I am now interested in the version of God’s word you read 🙏🏻

        Liked by 1 person

        • buttrflygrl14 said,

          The Complete Jewish Bible. Though I often pen up many versions. The Message, NAS, NIV, Amplified, the only version I don’t have is the original King James, reading it makes my brain think I have a speech impediment! When I study, I now only go to the Hebrew roots, this was the language of the Scriptures, and boy does it open it up. Example: the word peace in Hebrew means completeness. Wholeness. Reading each verse with the word peace with this definition changes a lot! Also, in TCJ the word faith is replaced for the true send of the word: trust. I relate better to it myself. In the end I don’t believe there’s a bad version, just such variety that God can speak to just about anyone! Let me know what you think.


          • jeffw5382 said,

            I know what you mean about the original King James it is what I’m reading now, different languages fracture reality differently and translation is suspect in my opinion, I pray, read and pray again that His will is revealed

            Liked by 1 person

            • buttrflygrl14 said,

              😊 I agree, HE is the Best translator! He mixed it up in the first place, figure He alone can interpret too Genesis 11:5-9.


            • buttrflygrl14 said,

              😊 He is the Best translator! I figure He mixed them up to begin with, He surely can interpret His own doings! Genesis 11:5-9

              Liked by 1 person

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