The Wind Knows Me

January 18, 2013 at 2:27 am (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , , , , , , , )


John 3:5-8
Yeshua (Jesus) answered, “Yes, indeed, I tell you that unless a person is born from water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God. What is born from the flesh is flesh, and what is born from the Spirit is spirit. Stop being amazed at My telling you that you must be born again from above! The wind blows where it wants to go, and you hear its sound, but you don’t know where it comes from or where it’s going. That’s how it is with everyone who has been born from the Spirit.”       

Ezekiel 37:9
Next He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath! Prophesy, human being! Say to the breath that Adonai Elohim (the Lord God) says, ‘Come from the four winds, breath; and breathe on these slain, so that they can live.”

Ezekiel 36:26-27
I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit inside you;
I will take the stoney heart out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
I will put My Spirit inside you and cause you to live by My laws, respect My rulings and obey them.

Ezekiel 37:14
I will put My Spirit in you; and you will be alive

In Hebrew; breath, wind, Spirit, and character are all connected. The scripture in John from above becomes so much clearer when one knows this. Yeshua (Jesus) was reared in a Hebrew culture, its language and perspectives. He spoke mostly to Hebrews! So they would have had the ability to understand why He used the wind as an example in context to being born again. Often it may seem a bit odd to the “Greek” thinker (most every other culture aside from Asian, Middle Eastern); that Yeshua would bring up the wind while explaining the nature of being born again.

It was the Wind of God that breathed into the dust that made Adam! It says in Genesis 1:26

“Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves…” (character)

And in chapter 2, He blows!! (Verse 7)

Then Adonai, God, formed a person (Hebrew: Adam) from the dust of the ground (Hebrew: adamah) and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being.

Its important to note here – this was before the “fall”! There was no need for “rebirth” at this point. God made man, spirit and full of His Spirit right there at the beginning! The fall is where we lost our ability to live only in the Spirit! Hence our need, spoken by Yeshua to be reborn, re-breathed because of the fall.

Wind is actually a very vital part of life and its sustaining power. Just like water, the earth without wind will die! As will we. But!! Our wind comes from Above – God! His very nature, character, spirit, breath is the wind we must have to be alive! Just like the Water Yeshua speaks of as His character that He gives that we may never thirst again.

The wind knows me! What a profound thing! It does! It knows me inside and out! It created me! It takes me where His Will wants me to go, and knows where it is from whence I came! Draw a line…way back…back through the halls of decades upon decades…straight to where He first blew upon the dust of the earth!! How could anyone else know where and when that is/was besides God?? Not even Adam, was aware he was being born. Only God!

The Wind knows me! May He make me a strong current of His Love!

Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ❤


  1. Christadelphians said,

    Adam probably knew he was ‘born’ because the creator made everything clear for him. He knew how the wind blew, but did not take the ‘Breath’ serious, so it had to turn for him and his wife.

    We should follow the right wind and being aware that the wind shall become more ferocious we should prepare ourselves for hte harder times to come.


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Yes Adam knew the instant he opened his eyes what wind had blown him into being. Was referring to before, as he was being birthed :-).
      We focus on Adonai, His person…and no matter how hard the times become, they can not harm us by day or night! Blessings to you Christadeliphians 🙂


  2. Rob Barkman said,

    Very blessed posting. How nice it is to know that the Lord, our breath, is in control of our physical and spiritual life. What a great need we have to rely upon HIm as the source of all of our very existance. Lord bless you.


    • buttrflygrl14 said,

      Yes, our Source of everything! Thank you so much for all your prayers, support, and encouragement Brother Barkman! Our Shepherds blessings to you…lead you by still waters!


  3. sugari said,

    Reblogged this on Energy of the Heart.


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