The Truth Shall Set You Free…

November 29, 2020 at 2:59 pm (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , )

What is a hero? Its my conviction that there are no heroes on earth today. There is One who is a hero, He’s alive, He is human, He is God. His name is Yeshua the Messiah – Jesus Christ. That’s it. I realize this may seem to be insensitive to some as we call our service men and women heros, teachers, and various people in roles that do good and great works among their communities and spheres of influence. Yet, none of these can save a life. A hero saves lives. I’ll not go into the finer details as to my conviction about not calling anyone in armed forces heros, or teachers, or doctors and the like. Perhaps that will be something God convicts me to share at another time. For now… in this time we live in I am convicted to share this video. This person ranks among today’s hero medical staff due to a virus that doesn’t exist. He comes as close to a hero here than any other nurse or doctor. He’s standing for the Truth, at risk to his own welfare and safety.

This is supposedly the motto for those in any form of health care. Indeed it was found in the physician’s creed or oath many years ago. It has since been reworded into obscurity with the invasion of political correctedness via tolerance cloaked in fuzzy lines for the purpose of profit. I dare anyone to find the original with this wording now as Google and all things central to the web police have deleted it.

There’s just one thing I want to remind those in the medical field. You took an oath… FIRST DO NO HARM. In this, you must stop administering any drug that has harmful side effects, you must not assist in any procedure that can cause life altering changes that will cause harmful side effects, you must not participate in lies to benefit the money making machine you are tied to as a career. In short, to do your job and do it as unto the Lord, you likely will need to risk your job to tell the truth and trust the Lord to help you provide for your family in doing so.

The truth saves lives. The Truth is a person…Yeshua – Jesus. If you testify to truth, you become a hero to some degree. If you risk everything for it, the reward in heaven is far more than the losses here on earth. I’m asking all those in the medical lower main stream staff, to please honor the truth, no matter the cost and really help saves lives. Tell the truth about this virus, tell people it does not exist. Tell them vaccines don’t vaccinate, tell them that drugs don’t heal, tell them the truth! There are those who have done so, they are true to their oaths. Like this gentleman who has done so and countless others… please risk all for the Truth and you’ll be set free, and save many.

The real question is and always will be for those who follow Yeshua. What does His Word say to do for those who are ill? Perhaps, if we had not fallen from His instruction the destruction of Healthcare would not have found its slippery noose around the necks of every human and now animal on earth we see today. More concerned about who pays for what and money being the god that comes first in considering our bodies and their condition. Most people don’t know, but the pharmaceutical industry is the number one money machine in the world. Not oil, not goods. Not services, not science. Man made chemicals that are used to treat the human body of SYMPTOMS from illness. Never the illness itself. They cause harm no matter what it is. Advil/Tylenol/ or whatever your over the counter pain relief pill is called… will harm your liver. All the way up to using radiation (a cause of cancer) to treat it. Xrays/CT scans and the like which cause cancer. Ever found it odd that a woman’s once a year breast cancer exam consist of radiating the exact place one is trying to prevent the cancer? Listen, dear fellowsheep, there are arguments that can drive people crazy in the details. It does no good. God gave us common sense, which is called wisdom, if it can cause cancer, don’t use it for a cure. It’s like saying you can use sin to be saved. Which is ridiculous! Anything that harms the body to “fix” the body is not the answer. God gave us natural ways, things He made to help the body. But it’s natural, you and I can grow much of it in our yards. The pharmacy doesn’t make money off it. So they don’t endorse it or allow medical insurance to pay for it. These drugs keep people sick, so the money keeps flowing. Vaccines are free because the keep people sick and the money keeps flowing. It doesn’t take a high IQ to figure this out. Don’t buy into the mainstream news about your health, ANY part of it, mind/body/spirit for its aid. You’ll be lied to and find yourself worse off than before. There is tons of physicians turned natural doctors, scientists who have decided the truth is more important, to be found with proof. There’s cures for diabetes, heart disease, cancer…CURES!! You won’t find them in hospitals, doctors offices, or emergency rooms. That is what is called the sick system. So… in the case of this virus, it’s on each of us to get all the facts, does it exist, where’s the proof? Can you trust what the Healthcare system says? No! Only those within it like the video below and countless others who will tell the truth. This won’t be found on Facebook, YouTube or any of the pharmaceutically owned media – most of which is what everyone have access to for “free”. It’s a bitshoot video. Free for those who share it but if you want access you’ll have to pay because they don’t shut down the truth there. For now.. Be wise, my dear brothers and sisters. Let your own eyes tell you… there is no pandemic. The vaccine will cause more harm, especially as there’s no proven illness in the first place. But it’s really quite simple, don’t trust man – trust God. He made the human body, He owns the copyright. He knows better than anyone on earth how to sustain and treat it. Listen to Him!

Perhaps it’s time to obey the Word… and lose the fear?

In the Name of Yeshua the Messiah, all glory, honor and praise to His Name and His alone – the only Hero ever to exist. His will be done on earth as in heaven! May His example be the Light by which we light our lamps.

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November 21, 2020 at 7:29 pm (Devotionals, Prayers, Songs, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , )

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Little Lessons

November 21, 2020 at 12:51 am (Inklings from Hisimagenme, Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , )

The sun was setting when Nichole stepped outside, wrapping her shawl around her shoulders. She sighed… squinting she looked up and saw the last of the day outlined in trees against the molten blue sky. The sound of tinkling reached her ears from the barn now backed by a horizon with stars beginning to take over the duty of lighting the country side. The contrast wasn’t lost on Nikki as she started towards the barn. Mikayla had just moments ago ran from the dinner table with tears brimming after being excused. At nine years old, Mikki had an old soul. Often called sensitive in a negative way. Yet she didn’t seem to notice much how people took her in. A quality Nikki regretted adults grow out of. Most anyway. As she approached the door she leaned in to listen to the tinkling now more like jingles, Mikki’s little voice was set to the sing song tune of wooing. Nikki smiled, she’s at the task of perfecting her cat taming again. She pushed the door just enough to squeeze in but keep the well worn creak from ensuing. Mikayla sure enough was crouched down by a bale of hay. Her little body still with only her fingers swaying a string with old rusty jungle bells she’d dug up last week in the garden.

“Awwwwrr…Backster you know you want to be brave and pounce this string of annoying bells.” Mikki coo’ed. The black cat with white tips on his ears and white whiskers to compete could barely be seen under the bench with crates a couple yards away. He must have caught Nikki’s scent for he fled like a breeze a moment later. Nikki winced. Mikki’s shoulders dropped in a sigh of resignation and frustration. She turned and look up at her Mother, the tears dried now in powdery lines on her cheeks.

“I almost had him… he isn’t afraid of me anymore. Just things.” Mikki swung her legs underneath her to sit Indian style. Nikki sat on the bale of hay.

“He’s still afraid of most people though. I’m sorry I scared him away.” She took a lock of Mikki’s hair and twirled it down her pointer finger.

“It’s okay. Tomorrow is better.” Mikki looked up. She had this way of looking at you that made you wonder how childhood and adulthood could possess a stare at the same time. Too often Nikki was caught fumbling for words due to this stare.

“What sent the tears to your eyes at the dinner table Mik?” Direct was best with Mikki.

Mikayla pulled her head away causing the tendril of hair to fall away from Nikki’s fingerings.

“I don’t understand love.” New pools of the hearts overflow began to quiver in Mikki’s eyes.

Nikki knew better than to put more voice to the conversation. She slid down next to Mikki and crossed her legs out in front of her.

“If love is the answer to fear going away, why doesn’t my love bring Toby towards me? Mikki asked.

Toby is the year old pup that Mikki had been trying to get to be her best pal since she first set eyes on him. Instead, it seemed Mikayla’s brother Jonas was Toby’s chosen pal. Nikki smiled. And waited.

Mikki sniffed and brushed her tears away with the back of her hand. “I feed Toby, I bring him treats and toys, I don’t push myself on him or fuss him, I plan his games and walk him but Jonas comes in, sits at the table and Toby runs and lays at his feet. He sleeps with him, he follows him, but Jonas doesn’t love Toby like I do. He hardly even notices him! Why, mama, why doesn’t Toby want to be my buddy?” The fullness of the nine year old little girl began to sob.

Nikki pulled Mikki into her lap and began to sway and console. “Ahhh, Mik, Toby loves you. I’m sorry he hasn’t chosen you as you so wanted. It hurts when we invest our hearts and it feels second to those who don’t seem to. Shhh… there… let it out.” Nikki enclosed Mikayla’s small frame into her arms and chest. Mikki let out another sob and began to let the motherly love melt her.

“I still don’t understand why love doesn’t do what Jesus said.” The small voice, truly confused came moments later.

“What do you mean? Nikki asked

“It says, perfect love cast out fear. But my love doesn’t with Toby and it is taking so long with Backster.” The now old soul encased in this nine year old body began to come back.

“That’s an interesting way to look at it. I don’t think Toby was ever afraid of you, Mik. She just has a liking for Jonas. It’s like when you see ice cream and cake and prefer to have the cake. It doesn’t mean you’re afraid of the ice cream. It’s just how God made you, with certain likes and lesser likes. Now…Backster… well he has come far with you, you just said so. He still runs from everyone else but if you are the only one around he stays.” Nikki turned Mikki towards her and pulled her chin up so that she could see into those green eyes. “Love, dear one, is about giving, not getting. Love gives without needing anything to be given back. It says perfect Love cast out fear Mik, not our love. Only Jesus love is perfect because He never expects us to return it. But you can see, in your own heart how you want Toby to return your love and Backster. Yes?” Mikki looked for all the world like she had been shown her own sinful flesh. She bent her head.

“Yes, I can’t help but hope my love will make them like me.” The brown haired head turned up with wide green eyes. “But I love them even if they don’t. It just hurts when they don’t so I cry.” The matter of fact tone to Mikki always blew Nikki away. One minute childlike and humbled the next determined.

“Yes, Mik, we do love anyway. That how we know His Love is in us. But lessons of love – learning to love, that’s where we live most the time. The more we love and teach our hearts to not expect it in return, the more like Jesus we become, and the freer those we love are to return our love. Love is all about little lessons. Some days we don’t feel like we’re being taught, some days, when we see our love doesn’t get taken as we want, we hurt, we cry, we go to Jesus to help us understand Him, and He makes our hearts grow deeper in the teaching of love. Our hurt when loving actually makes us better at loving. Does that make sense?” Nikki and Mikki’s eyes locked and held for a long moment.

“God must have more lessons than anyone ever since He loves everyone so much and so many never take it like He gives!” Mikki smiled, then her face scrunched up with what could only be another old soul inquiry.

“Does God have lessons?” The next question flew out with wonder.

Nikki laughed, “well, I’m not sure about that but you know that song we sang this morning – give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, His love endures forever” Nikki sang. Mikki lit up and began to hum.

“It says it endures… do you know what that means? Nikki held the question out like a thing to be inspected.

“No…I guess I don’t. Mama, what does it mean?” Mikki came back after a moment of trying to answer.

It means something like when you do your homework, you do it and sometimes even like it but there’s always something else you’d rather be doing… so you endure the homework time but you would rather not have to. The part God endures is the rejection of His love… He could just do away with all who don’t love Him back but He doesn’t, He keeps loving them. It’s something like that. Make sense? Nikki asked.

Mikayla leaned back into her mother’s chest and was still for a few minutes. “So… the point to enduring is hope? Hope that everyone will know He loves them some day?”

It was Nichole’s turn to well up with tears. She hugged Mikki tighter and let the tears fall…”yes, my dear sweet Mik, it exactly something like hope.”

Grace and shalom to you in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah

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Watch “My Child, I Love You…in detail…” on YouTube

November 3, 2020 at 2:35 pm (Food for Thought, Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , , )

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My Child, I Love you… in detail – Post

November 3, 2020 at 2:33 pm (Food for Thought, Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , , )

I’ll never forget the day I received my first pair of glasses. I was very near- sighted and until I was 9 years old, I thought the world was fairly beautiful through my dimmed vision. I was also born with a severe high frequency hearing loss, so the front row in classes was nessessary for me to get by. I would still have to go up to the chalk board to see exactly what was there at the end of class. I still didn’t know my eyes were not working. I just thought everyone saw the same as I did.

Imagine! When I put my glasses on the detail that confronted me! Leaves could be seen like I was holding them up to my face from the top to the bottom, those puffy white clouds had dimension and definition that took my breath away, my head really was defined by each hair I could feel in my fingers! I was blown away! The details I saw made me dizzy and distorted my sense of balance.

I’m always in awe when I record a video from my own yard and watch it… again where glasses correct my vision, on videos with my ear buds do the same, all the sudden I hear birds and sounds that while recording I couldn’t hear!

Adonai is so detailed. It’s a terrible thing to me that there’s a saying: “The devil is in the details.” What a horribly huge lie that is. God is in the details. Only He can bring life, only He can paint in such intimate details. Only He can know us so well and move in us with such finesse to become…God! His way with me inside my heart is indescribable with words. I made a video attempting. On my phone it was breathtaking, sadly YouTube (the only way to share a video with so much data) took the quality down by half. I will share it anyway, but I’m sad that the detail for which my heart desired to emphasize in some way with His creation and music has again, been brought down by man’s idea of “smarter technology”.

So the next post is the video. I’m attempting to work out how the demotion of quality happens from my phone to YouTube uploads. I see so many videos there that don’t suffer the same demoting…blurring, quality reducing effects.

May the Lord God of all creation born out of His heart and mind, in detail that boggles the human comprehension, be found as acutely inside your own hearts. A relationship that forever changes every part of you and I that joy – unspeakable is the only thing left to express. In the love of Messiah Yeshua – bless you, lead you and guide you into the world of wonder… His Love.

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