
March 11, 2021 at 9:32 pm (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

This is what the projectors show up on the walls as the congregation enters the sanctuary…

Pastor Rick Rethorford was sitting behind the curtain just to the left of the pulpit platform. “Your glory, O Lord, is the point to all that goes on here today. Everyday. May You get the glory through me.” He watched as the room was filling with the noise and motion of family. Today was family day. All the family of the congregation would be present, only toddlers and infants ministries were available today. They would join all for the picnic after this service. 1238 people were now seating and greeting. Worship music still rang across the balusters in the ceiling. The singing was done with not a single instrument today. Voices were the great shout of worship. It had been amazing. The faces of all were filled with joy at the surprise of how fun and full it had been. Rick smiled, and stepped out to greet this family and lead them to the feet of Yeshua… Jesus.

The congregation slowly began to quiet as they watched their beloved Pastor of 25 years step to the pulpit. Reading the quote up on the walls to the right and left, shifting for comfort or discomfort, waiting…

“Good morning!” Rick spoke with his smile accenting his tone.

“Good morning!” Came the crowds reply.

“It’s our 25th anniversary! I thought we’d do it a bit different today. So you children and teens have joined us young and old adults for the service. Today is a whole congregation participation day. In the pockets of the seats in front of you and for those here up front, under your seats; is a paper and pencil. For your convenience a Bible is there to be a table of sorts to write on. Please, if you will would you begin by writing down the character of the Bible you would most like to be like.” Rick stepped back from the pulpit. “This is going to be fun!” He thought to the Lord.

The sanctuary filled with the sound of movement and papers rustling, some laughter and low audience murmurs. Soon, silence as the answers to the first inquiry were being thought of and written down. Eyes looked up in thought, months twitched. Each person rolling through the Word looking for the character of one that they most identified with or admired. There are many. Some wrote immediately. Rick waited until each face was again oriented towards him.

“There are three accounts in the gospels of the paraplegic who Yeshua/Jesus, healed but first He spoke forgiveness over him. This offended the crowd. He then, knowing what they were thinking asked which is easier: to forgive a man’s sin or heal him of his bodies wounds. Which do you think is easier?” Again Rick stepped away from the pulpit to que the congregants to their answers on the paper.

A sea of heads looked down at their papers. Young heads looked to the right and left to see other answers. Rick giggled inside. ” Lord, is it cheating to look at another’s paper?”

Again, Rick waited until all eyes rested on him to step back to the pulpit. He stood there, smiling. Letting the moment fill with joy. Little by little laughter rang out from the family before him. “You won’t be graded for your answers…” relieved humor filled the air more boisterous than before.

“On the bullet signs to my right and left, is a quote from Dr. Larry Crabb. A brother in our family, and respected member of authorship and counseling for the body of Messiah for many years now. I will read it aloud:

“Is the first sentence of this statement true or false?” Once again, Rick stepped away from the pulpit to indicate the congregants que to their papers.

Parents heads leaned over towards younger children who were questioning the question. Others sat looking at the bullets to the right or left, as if the answer was written up there to find. Others simply wrote their answers. 15 minutes passed until all attention rested again on Pastor Rick before them.

In total, 38 minutes had elapsed since the first question. Now the fun would begin. “Please go back to the first answer, who here wrote Yeshua/ Jesus down as your answer?”

A strong sense of consternation filled the air, as those with the answer sought after was revealed. 18 hands were raised. “Please, if you will look around at the hands raised around you.” The moment was pregnant with surprise, both from the few hands and the lack of them that were present in a sanctuary filled to the brim with people. Pastor Rick let the moment sit heavy and thoughtful. “Now it’s important for the second answer to speak to you from your page. How many said it’s easier to forgive sin than heal the physical body?” Again, hands both small and large began raising into the air. Amounting to about 1/3 of the people. All eyes refocused on Pastor Rick after a look around the room. He smiled a tender smile, “The third question could be considered a trick question, if you answered true, you were wrong in technicality. If you answered false you were right in technicality. The Word of God does not begin with a divorce. The story of God’s children in sin, does. You may be wondering how do all these questions tie together, you may not, as you may have already surmised through the Spirit the point to them. It’s not to shame, it’s not a right or wrong answer theme. Instead it’s a bigger question of “first things first” – Rick held up his quote fingers. The truth that we all long to have Yeshua/Jesus be our greatest aspiration for modeling is the point. The character for those who wrote another name can teach you this. So in a way it’s not a wrong answer, but it’s revealing. We live in a dark time in this world, with the light growing dimmer or brighter within the lamp house of our own hearts. My hope is that when we come together we fill each other’s lamps with oil, that helps us shine brighter, even if there’s humility involved. This is a time where discerning questions are crucial. Yet also an atmosphere of welcome for what could appear to be silly questions. Or obvious answers. We don’t gather here every Saturday to learn about the Lord, and that alone… we gather here together to learn about His heart for each of us. For you youngsters in your classes, is Yeshua the first and last thing you want more of when you leave here, for you teens, for each of us adults – this is the same. Age does not change the reality of the goal. Nor does it change the mission for each of us. My duty in love to the Lord is to encourage you to make Him everything – first, last and everything in-between. Your duty in love to the Lord, no matter how old we are, knowledgeable we are, well known or unknown, popular or peculiar – is the same. To know the technical truth of His Word, and the truth Dr. Crabb is getting at. To desire only Yeshua in His Word for our character. And to know that the fact that we all sit here… (tears begin to fall down Pastor Rick’s face, his voice shakes…) forgiven because of Him is far beyond healing of physical bodies, beyond miraculous physical provision, beyond ANYTHING we could ask for or imagine… so now… let us each bow our heads and speak to the Lord our hearts and let Him shape them as a result of the ingredients of this time together. Let’s let Him have the last say to us before we move on to lunch and enjoying each other. Just each of us and Him… let us bow our heads and seek the First and Last, our Salvation, our Hope.”

For the next 30 minutes heads were bowed, in unity but individual captivity to The One who was and is and is to come…

May the Messiah, Yeshua be our hearts decision maker, our minds discernment of wisdom, and our lives the oil of annointing in love. May we be found full and ready as these days open and close with the light of the Sun. May the darkness be as light because He dwells within us and shines through us. May our unity be in Him alone, no matter where our individual relationships be evaluated with Him, may He be our focus and strength. To Him be the glory, and Him alone… now and forever…

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November 21, 2020 at 7:29 pm (Devotionals, Prayers, Songs, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , )

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Daily Nugget

September 5, 2018 at 2:03 pm (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , )

The Hebrew word for work – adodah – עבודה – is the same for manual labor AND worshipping God. The picture we see here of the humans work is that it is also a form of worship.

~ CJB study Bible / page 6

🙏May Adonai bless you all in your work and service to the glory of His great Name!🙏

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Who You Are…

August 16, 2017 at 2:34 am (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , )

Who are you?

For what we are is only to Someone, never to something. A title, a certificate, a diploma, a degree, a licence, a number, a cause, an address, – no none of these will free you. 

Are you a Mother? Then be a mother, that alone. 

Are you a sister? Then be a sister, that alone. 

Are you a brother? Then be a brother, that alone.

Are you a Daddy? Then be a Daddy, that alone. 

Are you a husband, as wife, a son, a daughter, a friend, an aunt, an uncle, a cousin, a niece, a nephew, a neighbor, a co-worker? Then be that that alone. 

If your children are not with you, tend their wounds in your prayers. Feed them the Word everyday, as if they are still in your womb. Teach them courage with your life. Show them love to your neighbor. Embrace their weakness, comfort, encourage with the orphan, needy, downcast and forsaken. Be His Daughter, be His Son to all. Yes, to your enemy, lay down your offence and defence. To those who demand and expect of you, meet them. To those who slander and gossip and lie about you, be truth, be quiet love, be surrender and be loyal. 

Yet here is the everlasting, unchanging truth. You are a Daughter! You are a Son! Daughter and Son to to a Father in Heaven. His will in heaven as it is on earth. His Kingdom come, His will done. That and that alone. For if you are that Daughter and if you are that Son, then you will be exactly the Mother, Daddy, Sister, Brother, Neighbor… – He needs you to be. 

We are not and never will be what this world defines as valuable. We are a priceless treasure just because He made us, just because He loves us. He would look into your soul and extract all need to protect yourself, project yourself, defend yourself, invent yourself. He would tell you to surrender, to turn the cheek, to bless, bless and praise. To be the exact opposite as this world, it’s ways, it’s thoughts, it’s intentions. Give, if you are without material goods, give your time, your love – give. If you have plenty, buy your needs only and give the rest away. Give time, give ears to hear, give eyes to see, give a heart to understand, give compassion, give mercy, give grace, BE for-give-ness. Don’t forgive yourself, only receive His. Forgiveness of self is in opposition to its nature. Forgiveness only comes from God. See your needs as possibilities, either for a miracle or for a new direction of learning the need really doesn’t exist, (perhaps only in our mind). Pray without ceasing, tell Him your every thought, ask of Him and don’t stop until He answers or takes the thought away. Be grateful for all that is broken, for all that seems wrong – for one day nothing will break, nothing will be wrong, nothing will ever be thought of in such ways again. 

Don’t fear and you won’t be offended. Don’t fear and you won’t need to worry. See! He walks upon the stormy waters, He walks amid the torrent of humanity, He walks with the Authority of One who made it all, there IS NOTHING TO FEAR. To fear is NOT human, it’s from the evil one. Reject it, turn away from it, praise the One who conquers it. Give to all around you the gift of trust, first and above all in Yahweh, then in His Works, then in His power to do all things! Nothing is impossible with God. Everything means something, look for Him in all things and you will find Him..Focus on loving Him first, loving others – all of Life is held in the grasp of these. Did He not say so? Did He not prove it? The proof is in Him, not us. 

Don’t listen! Don’t heed! The call of mankind to stand against mankind! Don’t heed to store up treasures of this world to prepare for the World to come. Don’t listen to them that say get guns, ammo, food and gold! Prepare the heart, store up the treasure of heaven. What’s coming will not need the things of this world, they won’t save, they won’t love Him first and others. Be prepared to give your life for your neighbor, not a bottle of water. Do you trust Him who sent out the twelve with instructions not to take anything with them? Do you trust Him who brought bread from Heaven? Do you trust Him who brought water from a rock? Do you trust Him who has been faithful from the beginning? Then with all you have, or don’t have – live it! 

What’s coming He will do, and He will protect and He will accomplish. Remember, man lives only in every Word that comes from the Mouth of God. So place all your confidence in it, invest all your resources there, and live like it’s true no matter what the eyes see. 

Invest in His children, your brothers and sisters. Investments can mean loss. It hurts to be rejected, it hurts to be betrayed. Invest anyway. The Kingdom within you will not lose but gain. Train to hear His voice and obey it without delay. What good does it do you to train the body to be fit for a kingdom that is going to be destroyed? Will our physical bodies be fallen in His? Will our limitations here and now be there and then? Did He not say we would be given new bodies? If we can fly in His Kingdom now, what will we be able to do when the new comes? Our training in righteousness now will not die, will not cease in the New and undefiled. Strive and endure in the good fight, the fight to say no to this world – it’s ways, it’s thoughts, it’s acceptance, it’s value, it’s approval. Trade it all for His. 

Smile at the grumpy and rude. Do good. Say hello when you want to hide. If you see something needs done, do it – even if it’s not “your job”. Pick up the trash on the street, in the parking lot, in the park, on the trail. If someone cuts you off, praise the Lord for them! If someone says hurtful things to you, say something good to them. Give Yeshua what He paid for – all sin, all offence. All rights, all insanity, all the pain. Do you really believe He purchased them? Will we steal them back and hold back His Kingdom? LIVE what you say you believe! Make an action to each belief, trade a thought of praise for every evil. Build the muscle of trust in the face of fear. Sacrifice and circumcise your heart, pull humility in and hold it tight. Then you will embrace the Shepherd of souls! 

Who you are is a Child of ADONAI ELOHIM, Creator of all, The One and Only Good, Sustainer of Life, Forgiver of Sin, Judge of all evil, Justice that will prevail, The First and Last, King of Heaven and earth, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. BE who you are! BE WHOSE YOU ARE! 

Yeshua (Jesus) was not metaphorical when He spoke of His death. He’s not metaphorical when He speaks of His Life. 

John 1:4-5; 12-13

In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of mankind The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness had not suppressed it. 

But to as many as did receive Him, to those who put their trust in His Person and power, He gave the right to become children of God, not because of bloodline, physical impulse or human intention, but because of God.   

John 8:12; 51

Yeshua spoke to them saying, “I Am the Light of the world; whoever follows Me will NEVER walk in darkness but will have the Light which gives Life.

Yes, indeed, I tell you that whoever obeys My teaching will NEVER see death.”  

Did He not say He would dwell within you? Who you are is HIM! His hands, His feet, His comfort, His care. Did He not say we are united with Him and the Father? Did He not pray this very thing? (John 17) The body of Messiah is made up of us all, shall we not sacrifice as our only temple sacrifice? Sacrifices were made in the presence of His people in His temple with His Priest. Nothing has changed, except the walls are your soul and mine, the Priest is Yeshua and the body still meant as His children united with Him. 

Are we still stuck on “What do You want for me, God?” When the question is what do You want from us? Did Israel not repent as one? Did Nineveh not repent in unity? Does Adonai call lone rangers? No! He calls for a body, many of His children acting on behalf of His Kingdom. Will His churches physically march to help the poor and needy? Widows, orphans, and prisoners? It was never the government’s job to provide for them. There are hundreds of churches in each city, most with His Name attached! Why is there so few to tend His human beloved? Why are church budgets mocking the Savior? Would He throw out money exchangers in your church?Is the church marketing hands and feet, human sacrifice and love or CD’s and books and programs? Are they spending thousands on cards and pamphlets to advertise “unity” or are they encouraging the flocks to leave the comfort of their own homes just one night a week to feed the poor, not with money but with their own hands? Some sacrifice much to donate their feeble extra shekels. Yet honestly that is the easy way for most, no sacrifice is required. Why have insurance companies become a norm? Remember when they didn’t exist and neighbors sacrificed to help those who lost? The Kingdom of heaven is action and sacrifice, not checks and prayers. 

Why do I speak thusly? Because one failure is all our failure. One weakness is all our weakness. We are not counted separate from the Body. Yes, we will ALL stand and account one day. Remember what Yeshua said? Do you believe HE alone is the Way?

Matthew 10:32-33; 40; 42

Whoever acknowledges Me in the presence of others I will also acknowledge in the presence of My Father in heaven. But whoever disowned Me before others I will disown before My Father in heaven. 

Whoever receives you is receiving Me, and whoever receives Me is receiving the One who sent Me. 

Indeed, if someone gives just a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is My talmid (disciple/follower/student) – yes! – I tell you, he will certainly not lose his reward. 

Who you are is His to share. His to move through. His to bless others with. In so doing, we then are blessed. Our blessing unites His body, unites us with Him and the Father and the Kingdom of God shows up with power and might. 

It is important to know who you are. Not like this world defines, but as Yahweh transforms. You and I become a Kingdom! Part of each function of it, each glory! Let this sink in, let Him redefine you. Leave the corporate religious piety, and enter the Kingdom of heaven! Then we will see the need for government and ungodly aid disappear. Our prayers will be answered, our hearts circumcised our lives given up and found anew. Yet it starts by knowing the power of His Salvation, the renaming of you, the launching of His Kingdom within you by knowing Who lives and who dies. He lives, we die. Like a flower that dies, dries up and drops to the ground dead (seed), His Kingdom comes and He raises it back to life to become it’s own plant, not just a single flower, but part of a whole body. Then we are made whole, complete. 

For this is the time of this Word. 

Matthew 13:37-43

He answered, “The One who sows the good seed is the Son of Man; the field  is the world. As for the good seed, these are the people who belong to the Kingdom; and the weeds are the people who belong to the evil one. The enemy who sows them is the adversary, the harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels. Just as the weeds are collected and burned up in the fire, so will it be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will collect out of His Kingdom all the things that cause people to sin and all the people who are far from Torah and they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where people will wail and grind their teeth. Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let him hear!”   

✡ May Yeshua the Messiah who dwells richly within us, continue what He has started, for His Kingdom, His power and His glory – forever and ever! ✡  

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Awake! – Part 3 – The Time is Now

March 22, 2017 at 2:59 am (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , )

Psalms 102:12-13

But You, Adonai, are enthroned Forever ; Your renown will endure through all generations.  You will arise and take pity on Zion, for the time has come to have mercy on her; the time determined has come.   

The more I read God’s Word, especially lately, the more I see that every single word applies to either Yeshua’s (Jesus) first coming or second and mostly how they apply to both! His first coming was a determined time and so His second. This appointment He has set is set, immovable and definitive! Signs were placed in the heavens, seasonal changes in the earth indicate that the earth has kept up with His intention; the revealing of things hidden for these two marked off calender days blink like neon signs for those who are looking to Him. I can’t help but get the real sense that every time I look at a clock, I’m looking at Him! To even greater joy and delight, but with no small urgency as well, I hear Him saying, “I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming…SOON!” 

Psalms 93

Adonai is King, robed in Majesty; Adonai is robed, girded with strength; The world is well established; it cannot be moved.  Your Throne was established long ago; You have existed forever. Adonai, the deep is raising up, the deep is raising up it’s Voice, the deep is raising it’s crashing waves. More than the sound of rushing waters or the Mighty breakers of the sea, Adonai on High is Mighty. Your Instructions are very sure; holiness befits Your House, Adonai, for all time to come.   

Isaiah 41:4-5

Whose work is this? Who has brought it about? He Who called the generations from the beginning, “I, Adonai, Am the First; and I Am the same with those who are Last.”  The coastlands have seen and became afraid. The ends of the earth have trembled. They have approached, and now they come.   

Isaiah 43:10-13

“You are My witnesses,” says Adonai, “and My servants whom I have chosen, so that you can know and trust Me and understand that I Am He – no god was produced before Me, nor will any be after Me.  I, yes, I Am Adonai; I have declared, saved, and proclaimed – not some alien god among you.  Therefore, you are My witnesses,” says Adonai, “ I Am God. Since days began, I have been He. No one can deliver from My Hand. When I act, who can reverse it?”   

Isaiah 44:6-8

Thus says Adonai, Israel’s King and Redeemer, ADONAI-TZVA’OT (Lord of Heaven’s Army’s ): “I Am the First, and I Am the Last; besides Me there is no God. Who is like Me? Let him speak out! Let him show Me clearly what has been happening since I set up the eternal people; let him foretell future signs and events. Don’t be frightened, don’t be afraid. Didn’t I tell you this long ago? I foretold it and you are My witnesses. Is there any God besides Me? There is no other Rock – I know of none.”   

All of Deuteronomy chapters 32 and 33, are 1st and second coming prophesies! I say that with much trepidation, as I really don’t believe there exist a scripture in the entire Bible that isn’t. Yet I will put a few verses of these two chapters here, without specific identification so as to spur you to go and read these in their entirety yourself. 

They sacrificed to demons, non-gods, god’s that they had never known, new gods that had come up lately, which your ancestors had not feared. You ignore the Rock who Fathered you, you forget God, who gave you birth. 

“I considered putting an end to them, erasing their memory from the human race; but I feared/see (translated יראהyirah in hebrew meaningsee with anger, to make tremble with fury-) the insolence of their enemy, feared/yirah that their foes would mistakenly think, “We ourselves accomplished this; Adonai had nothing to do with it.” 

They are a nation without common sense, utterly lacking in discernment. If they were wise they could figure it out and understand their destiny. After all, how can one chase a thousand and two put ten thousand to rout, unless their Rock sells them to their enemies, unless Adonai hands them over? For our enemies have no rock like our Rock – even they can see that!      

“Rather, their vine is from the vine of Sodom, from the fields of Gomorrah – their grapes are poisonous, their clusters are bitter; their wine is snake poison, the cruel venom of vipers. “Isn’t this hidden with Me, sealed in My Storehouses?   (See John 15:1-6; Yeshua’s Words here are pointing directly back to this passage!) 

When he finished speaking all these words to all of Israel, he said to them, “Take to heart all the words of my testimony against you today, so that you can use them in charging your children to be careful to obey all the words of this Torah. For this is NOT a trivial matter for you; on the contrary, IT IS YOUR LIFE! Through it you will live long in the land you are crossing the Jordan to possess.   (This was current to the times of Moses, but pointing to the future, the crossing over the Jordan representing crossing over from this life to our eternal Life with Him forever).

Yeshurun, there is no one like God riding through the heavens to help you, riding on the clouds in His Majesty. The God of old is a dwelling-place, with everlasting arms beneath. He expelled the enemy before you and He said, “Destroy!” So Israel lives in security; the fountain of Jacob is alone in the land of grain and new wine, where skies drip with dew. Happy are you, Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by Adonai, your Defender helping you and your Sword of Triumph? Your enemies will cringe before you, but you will trample down their high places.”  (See again how these words apply to their present application but how they leap through Time to a future of fulfillment in Yeshua, 1st coming AND 2nd! Past, present and future !)  This is why it’s so very crucial to study, read, apply, and know Adonai through all His Word!  

There are a total of 17 words in Hebrew that are God and attribute Time to His Nature, and His alone!

Here are a few:

✡ ערי – ady – witness, till, until, a time, while, a repetition of time either definite or indefinite.

✡ ועד – w’ad – the only Son eternal, the Word eternal, advancing time, destination, target

✡ שנה – shanah – corresponding time period for a different planet, a year representing one revolution of earth around the sun, two, a repeating of the first or what was before, repeat, do something a second time, in the sense of changing seasons, again, generation.

✡ עלם – ulam – My Name is ancient, hide – obscured from sight, covered, unknown, ancient – as time hidden from the present.

✡ חלד – kheled – this world, this life, age, a passing through space or time. 

✡ עולם – olam – a distant time in the past or future, ever lasting, of old, perpetual, evermore, never, time, ancient, world, always, long.

✡ זמן – zaman – inevitable passing of events, measurement of quantity, time set aside, appoint, duration of time, 1st, Last, sleep, connected. 

Hopefully by now you can see, or rather perceive; that Time is not what we possess. That our days are numbered, before we came into physical reality here on earth, we were a true reality in Heaven. That we have been appointed for the specific time we are in, to stand out, speak, witness, repeat, point to, and live as if Time can count everything we think, say, do and stretch us out into eternity with what our witness says. Adonai is the Author of all things, He alone has seen every event long before they happened. Yet those who have gone before us, their lives are still speaking for Him or speaking for the destruction of His enemy. Either way our witness will shout out to eternity! This is why we don’t allow the stupid inclination of the enemy suggest we grow lazy, and resent Time. To see it as some small thing, not the miraculous gift we’ve been given; focused on what this world has to offer and growing ubtuse to the One who has destined our purpose to His glory! He deserves it! Insane thinking that says Life with Him will be boring compared to here and now in this, completely devoid of fulness, of all good things we have had but a small taste of here! So much better will things/Life be with Him should we choose Him! And not just choose to say we believe He exist, even the devils do that! No! We choose to pull everything, all thoughts, and therefore actions, all we are, all we desire into His instructions and Ways, that mark us NOW, as His! 

Job 36:22-26

“Look, God is exalted in His Strength; who is a Teacher like Him? Who ever prescribed His course for Him? Who ever said, ‘What You are doing is wrong’? Remember, rather, to magnify His Work, of which many have sung. Everyone has seen it, but humans see it only from a distance. Look! God is Great! Beyond what we can know; the number of His years is uncountable.   

I’ve mentioned in this blog before that it would be best if when reading the Psalms, that in most cases when the Psalms speaks of enemies to remember the psalmist is usually referring to those powers, and principalities of the air, the one who is seeking to devour, the enemy of God and his minions. For we are not at war with flesh and blood!  Even when we encounter other human beings that persecute us, these are under the power of God’s enemy, tortured souls, hence Yeshua’s instruction to LOVE our enemies, do GOOD to them! The power of Yeshua in our obedient action to do this, not religiously, but because He’s proven such power, such worthiness for us to give up “our rights” in exchange for the right to see Him face to face, really Live a real Life with Him, this is using our Time (talents) wisely. This is the power to save! We were all His enemy once. This is staying awake! Yes, indeed, it surly will mean suffering ridicule and coming soon, severe persecution to do so. The worst of the worst we may be spared, but not all of it dear fellow sheep! This kind of suffering is what shall mark us as His! Him, who came and suffered far more than anyone ever has since our ever will, Him who did this in vast measure, so we could identify in small measure with Him. Shall we count it an honor to whatever degree such things must happen? Knowing that He shall shield and guide us, be present with us, as He was with Daniel in the Lions den, Shadrach, Mishach, and Abednego in the fiery furnance. Shall we doubt Him now or ever – after so long a history of proving Himself true, right, and truly God?

To be awake, is to be on Time! On Time each minute for each appointment He has for us each day, and on Time for THE DAY we shall meet Him in the cloud, changed instantly into the Glory of His likeness in full! Awaken O Bride of The King of Israel, of Heaven and earth! Rise like the deep, rise up and become a mighty wave of the Image we are made in – Yeshua Hamashiach, Salvation is His Name! He comes! He comes again soon! Rise up to meet Him!

Hebrews 1:1-3

In the days gone by, God spoke in many and varied ways to the fathers through the prophets. But now, in the acharit-hayamim (end of days), He has spoken to us through His Son, to whom He was given ownership of everything and through whom He created the universe. This Son, is the radiance of the Sh’khinah (Manifest glory of God present with men), the very expression of God’s essence (image), upholding all that exists by His powerful Word; and after He had, through Himself, made purification for sins, He sat down at the Right Hand of HaG’dulah BaM’romim (the Greatness on High). 

Revelation 22:16-17

I, Yeshua, have sent My angel to give you this testimony for the Messianic Communities. I AM the Root and Offspring of David, the Bright Morning Star. The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.” Let anyone who hears say, “Come!” And let anyone who is thirsty come – let anyone who wishes, take the water of Life free of charge.  
🔯 May the Grace of the Lord Yeshua be with all!🔯

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Messianic Judaism (Netzarim Jews)

Jeremiah 33 Three

I will call to Him and He will answer.

Author Tekoa Manning

website of fiction and nonfiction Author & Blogger

Lessons From Lou

Kainos Ktisis - What it Means to Be a New Creature in Christ!

Impartial Christian Ministries

“Truly I understand that God shows no partiality." Acts 10:34

Morning Meditations

"When you awake in the morning, learn something to inspire you and mediate upon it, then plunge forward full of light with which to illuminate the darkness." -Rabbi Tzvi Freeman


Wandering Towards Faith Am I

Men of One Accord

Just another WordPress.com site

Wise Devotions For Inspiration

Devotions are able to guide when scripture is posted, and to show someone our lives with God in it, to help others prosper like God intended.

Mustard Seed Budget

God's blessings in your life and ministry

Mind Traffic dsss

Thought's to Inspire


Filled with words of inspiration.

From the Inside Out

Impressions Becoming Expressions