Daily Nugget

September 5, 2018 at 2:03 pm (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , )

The Hebrew word for work – adodah – עבודה – is the same for manual labor AND worshipping God. The picture we see here of the humans work is that it is also a form of worship.

~ CJB study Bible / page 6

🙏May Adonai bless you all in your work and service to the glory of His great Name!🙏

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Awake! – Part 2 – The Power of Time.

March 16, 2017 at 1:10 am (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , )

Psalms 39:4-5; 90:11-12; 31:14-15

Make me grasp, Adonai, what my end must be, what it means that my days are numbered; let me know what a transient creature I am. You have made my days like handsbreaths; for You the length of my life is like nothing. 

Who grasps the power of Your anger and wrath to the degree that the fear due You should inspire? So teach us to count our days so that we will become wise. 

But I, trust in You, Adonai; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in Your Hand; rescue me from my enemies power, from those who persecute me.   

Proverbs 6:9-11

Lazybones! How long will you lie there in bed? When will you get up from your sleep? “I’ll just lie here a bit, rest a little longer, just fold my hands for a little more sleep” – and poverty comes matching in on you, scarcity hits you like an invading soldier. (Thief during war).  

So we’re back to; what could be causing a state of sleepiness in us. Time is a funny thing, the more we get, the less we value it. I know for myself, time alone isn’t the only thing that seems to dim with abundance. Yet lets take a good look at what caused the people to miss the coming Messiah the first time. First among these would apply to their state of mind right at the time He had entered their midst. Time can weaken resolve, commitment, passion and alertness. We know this in its very basic nature, when we are up for 18-20 hours of a day, the time seems to weaken us as it ticks by. We get tired. I’m pretty sure it’s not needed to explain how impatience grows thick, like a blanket with warmth to compell the eyes to shut. The people of that day were asleep in waiting, Time wasn’t doing its job to their liking. 

This drowsiness made them susceptible to deception and hence they forgot where they were to look for Him. Coupled with this deception came delusion that suggested that time was now something they had possession of to do with as they pleased. It’s almost as if, when time stretches out across our hopes, we ‘pay it back’ by giving up. Strange, huh? It’s the ‘cutting off ones nose to kill a flea’. This generation and those since the Messiah’s cloud ride back to Heaven fits right in with those that waited thousands of years for His first promised appearing. God’s not fast enough for us most of the time. That is, until He acts, and then we’re begging to catch up! His first coming fulfilled four of the seven practice rehearsal appointments (Feast) that we have been commanded to keep, in quick order. One day there were seven, ninety days later there were three! God got alot done in short order! They were reeling. At least those who woke up enough to know who Yeshua was before He went back, leaving us with the promise of His return. 

It begs more questions:

Is time given to us to spend as we please? (Yeshua’s parable of the investments)  Can impatience really make one completely clueless to what’s really going on around us?

Let’s be fair. The Tanakh did not have all these words strung together all in one sequence for them to see. 

I will send you, Yeshua Ben Yoseph, Ben Yahweh, and you will want to reject Him, but don’t! He will heal the sick, raise the dead, and be given power to forgive sins before He will willing go to the Cross as the sacrifice Lamb for the whole world, you will kill Him, and I shall raise Him back up in three days time. He will then be found again among you, and give you My last Words before He comes back to My Right Hand in victory to prepare all things for the time I will send Him back to the Wedding for which you are being prepared for and those who will come after you. To vindicate My chosen Ones and end the Tyranny of the Evil ones!” 

Nope, this string of words won’t be found all in one book or passage. Yet, they are all there. Spread out like a bridge of Love from Heaven to earth. It took all the Time that made up the Tanakh to get them down just so. 

We tend to forget that God’s enemy is watching too. God is smarter, but He’s not Thor the egotistical god that needs to prove He’s God and better than the deciever. Crafty is this enemy, yes, no doubt. So God will out-craft him! And indeed! The deceiver was surprised at His coming the first Time. Sadly he (the enemy) worked hard to make sure no one would wake up in time to see Him. For way too many, Yeshua’s attempt to rouse them was as rejected as He was. So did this surprise God? Nope. Time is God and God is Time. All He is, was and ever shall be, do, say, think, is Him! I Am that I Am! In other words, if He isn’t, then there isn’t anything! His plans and ways are perfect, unlike any kind of perfect we can conceive. Though when you know Him, you begin to see, as through a mirror dimly, but still it’s enough for make us trust Him if we seek Him, without ceasing. His second coming will follow the same pattern as the first. He will be on Time and His enemy will be shocked again, with no pigs left to escape into.

There were important details in the Tanakh to get done prior to His Hand of action coming in swiftly as it did then. Sadly, too many are not taught that the beginning contains the end and the end the beginning. There are signs people grossly miss by not seeing the Bible as a Complete Book. There are over 500 “old testament” references in Revelation alone! This is why people lose heart waiting, the deceiver has put to sleep a vital part of seeing God work exactly as He promised, and His Timing is as precise as the entire Word of God reveals! Yet again, there are vital things that have been at work by God all this Time. As we walk with Him faithfully, we stop being self absorbed about our time and stay true to Time, Himself! The only one being left out on the plan and timing is the enemy! God is busy protecting us! Making sure all that can be awakened will be, making sure the Bride is worthy of Him, making sure all have had a chance to go to the dress rehearsals that remain to be prepared for the Wedding. This is all that is left to do. Oh, sure there is the reckoning to the enemy and his hordes, to those who persecuted and will persecute the Bride. But! We are the apple of His eye! As He is to be ours! Nothing is delayed, nothing is being left out. His victory is sure and our delight in Him is not unfounded! We must not allow ourselves to fall asleep. This action He has placed in our choosing.

1 Corinthians 3:18

Let no one fool himself.  

Isaiah 52:1

Awake! Awake! Zion! Clothe yourself with your strength! (Our strength is His Voice!) Daniel 10:17-19 – For how can this servant of my Lord speak with my lord, when my strength and breath have failed me? Then, again, someone who looked human touched me and revived me. He said, “You man so greatly loved, don’t be afraid. Shalom (peace) to you; and be strong, yes, truly strong.” His speaking to me strengthened me, and I said, “My Lord keep speaking; because you’ve given me strength.” 

Ephesians 5:18

…Get up, sleeper! Arise from the dead, and the Messiah will shine on you!  

It’s our choice to fall asleep, and our choice to wake up. We only feel trapped by weariness when we have fallen behind and not kept up to hear our Shepherds Voice which keeps the deception from having access to our ability to see. 

Let me clarify here. There is s difference between a righteous fatigue and a willful “nap”.The former does not steal our ability to remain steadfast. The latter does, and can cause such delusion so as to make one think they are awake when they are not. This is why we need the body to reflect to the eyes that they are closed. Put into the simplist literal terms. When we are not at attention, we bump into things and it hurts, the part of the body that took the blow, sends the cry to the eyes to…Pay Attention! Wake up! Unnecessary pain, does that. Unwarranted pain is different (persecution).

 Exhortation in the Body of Messiah must renew it’s STRENGTH in Him! Full of love, but without hesitation to give a good tap to wake those who are falling asleep. We are all, each one of us, the little second and minute marks of God’s Timepiece where He has us. We must not be put to sleep because we want to be 15 seconds earlier or 25 seconds faster when it’s the Last Hour! Every second is full of such meaning! Full of so much of Him! Let’s not miss it!

The concept of God being Time itself may seem a bit odd. In part 3, we’ll dig deeper into this. Until then, search for Him yourself…you’ll find Time to be very different as you do. 

🔯 May the Grace of Adonai cover you, may the Mercy of Adonai motivate you, may the Truth be the light that fails you not, may the Way be the joy of your hours, and may the Love of Yeshua woo, awaken and move you in all you do🔯

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One Time Only

February 4, 2016 at 12:38 pm (Mile Stones, Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder) (, , , , , , )


Today, every minute will come only once.
We are 12 years old, once; 12 years 1 minute, once.
We are 12,000 days old, once. We are 11 hours and 47 minutes into today, once.
We are new born babies, once.
We will be sitting on the very last moment of our lives here on earth, once.


Yet with God, each of these one time only clicks on the time table of eternity, is full of infinite possibilities. We grind with impatience because we won’t be fully alive in the “one time only” moment we are in. Looking into it, around it and seeking to make it as full of life as He can fill it.


People, for instance can be tattooed onto our heart, rather than chancely brought into our lives. Every mother on earth knows well the needle and ink, carve and stain, like windows of beauty, our children are. Their breaths are each an added carve into our souls. What should we be like, if every moment inked our breaths like that? Oh! How we ourselves would then agree with Almighty God to stretch them out to infinity!  Patience would never again be viewed as a for letter word.


We must call in and recall our troops that push us into a day, headlong into the next moment without strenuous effort to feel and breathe each second to its maximum!


Don’t let time “bleed out” on your perspectives. Put a tourniquet on the rush of life – face the Infinite God full on each moment, and watch as His blood covers each “one time only” and tattoos them into eternity.



♡ Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ♡

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God’s Ways: Rerouting Perspectives

January 26, 2016 at 2:17 pm (Mile Stones, Remodeling the Mind, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )


Exodus 33:14-15;16b
He (Adonai) answered, “Set your mind at ease – My presence will go with you after all.” Moses replied, “If Your presence doesn’t go with us don’t make us go on from here…
That is what distinguishes us, me and Your people, from all other people’s on earth.”

Has it ever occurred to you that God so often used very odd circumstances to get in to a place deep within us, that has absolutely nothing to do with the circumstances themselves? He sets the board, and what we see moves us forward accordingly. As things progress, it becomes rather obvious that He’s moving in through back doors to the goal He had in mind. Almost as if He distracts us with our limited vision and surface prone tendencies, to sneak in where we wouldn’t have went with Him any other way. I’ve experienced this on many occasions, recently as well. The past experiences didn’t que me in to look for His back door agendas in any of these cases. When God wants to move in behind something, no human on earth can track His movements until He’s reached His destination! Only then, can we look back and trace His path, but not until He’s popped up in the seemingly most intentionally sneaky way. It’s been said repeatedly before: “if we saw where God was leading us, we’d most often recalculate our GPS in the other direction.”


At the end of October, 2015 God pointed His finger, very obviously, in the direction of a new location, new plan, and said “go buy a house, in that place.” We were set on a different location for moving, our plans moved north with our hearts, Montana was home. He pointed South. Our plans were to move into an RV and with our new business travel, live simple, and find a home base in Montana at some point. Sick of moving, sick of all the stuff that one accumulates in a house or apartment, we wanted to be free of it, and mobile to go where God said go. All very good intentions, none violating any will of God, but still not His will for us, however our perspectives saw it.


So the house hunt ensued, we found one, and all hell broke loose in the process. Two months of grinding, stressful and rest stealing work began. Staying close to Him, we followed every step, endured crazy situations, and wound up with it all falling through. Not the results we humans expect when we feel we’ve done all God asked of us. Yet even at this place, we trusted and went forth on another house hunt (it continues). All the while, God was with us and went before us, we knew that. What wasn’t obvious was that He was slipping in behind us, moving into the center of us, arriving at His intended destination, our hearts, His Home, not a relocation or house on earth. God knows us so well, we don’t face things unless we’re forced to. Circumstances are the forces He uses to bring us to that inner mirror, the one that reflects us back at ourselves but not only do we see ourselves but we can’t avoid seeing ourselves as He sees us in these moments. It’s a faithfulness on His part to go so great a route to get us there. We don’t need to just see ourselves, we need to see ourselves with Him. All the grace and mercy He has to give is ready there. If we just see ourselves, raw and rotten, without Him – we will be lost and walk away without remembering what we look like. But with Him, as hard as that reflection may look with His perfection hovering about us, there’s a pivotal transformation that becomes possible. The circumstances that brought us there, fades into the background becoming relatively insignificant. The house, the place, those were and are insignificant compared to His presence and passion to develop His character in the home Yeshua and His Father took up residence in the day we turned our souls back into Their care. (John 14:23)


At this juncture, Adonai has revealed His path into the back yard of our hearts, and we are now “getting down to business”. The house hunt continues, relocation all on the horizon, but the real work is right where we are, no matter where we are geographically. Big things that have been hidden and slipped through the cracks are being reflected in His eyes, ever so compassionately and full of that grace that pours out like roaring rivers, Sam and I stand at this place of healing intent. I reach my arms out wide to receive whatever shall keep me here until He has done all He shall do. I pray my beloved will do the same. I have confidence in the work of my God and His ways. More to be revealed. ..but today its enough to know He’s with us. That this alone is what distinguishes us as His – His presence – nothing more, nothing less. We hover at the mirror, eyes on Him and tracking His finger where He is pointing within, waiting on the grace, holding onto the new mercies He’s promised this morning will provide, yielding to His hands as they reshape the clay that these circumstances have softened enough to submit to Him. And once again, we wait. ..He works, we wait. He shapes, we yield. He holds us, we lean into being held.

A quote from Wayne Stiles book Waiting on God.

This section comes from the chapter titled Letting Go.

To resist or resent the time God’s priorities require amounts to resisting God.
Waiting on God reminds us of those facts. Waiting keeps us humble. Waiting shows us over the passing of time that it’s all about God and none of it is about us – except to the degree that we glorify Him. Remember, the goal is God’s glory, not our productivity or personal fulfillment. In our waiting, God weans us from the pride of having to control everything or understand matters “too difficult for” us (Ps. 131:1). God chooses how we glorify Him. He alone selects which of His servants will produce what levels of output – and yet, He also rewards faithfulness on any level with equal commendation (see Matt. 25:14-23).
God works through our waiting to strengthen our character through weakness, to develop our peace of mind by trusting Him in chaos, to teach us that we can glorify Him just as much by waiting on Him as we can by serving Him. When we choose to find our fulfillment in His glory, then we can wait on Him to open the door of greater influence in His time. That’s really His business entirely. Ours is to live faithfully wherever He puts us now.
God’s timing knows it’s own reasons. Perhaps the delay occurs to test how seriously we will pray. Our maybe, in spite of all we’ve learned, God still has more to teach us. Our maybe the delay has little to do with us at all – because it depends on someone else responding to God.
Whatever the reasons, I’m convinced that in most cases God delays because He wants to give us more than we’re asking for. He loves us enough to wait to give us His best rather than to satisfy our impatience with a quick, cheap substitute. That’s why we mustn’t equate His delay with a deaf ear. Sometimes what seems like God’s apathy is really His mercy.
Slammed doors do more than bend your nose; they keep your heart pliable, sensitive, and available to God’s leading. Not only does He keep secret the difficult valleys you’ll experience (and many of the mountaintops) but also the tremendous lessons you’ll glean no other way. Lessons you didn’t know you needed to learn. Lessons you’ll thank Him for one day. You may fail to recognize God using you significantly because you define God “using you” in terms of what you consider significant: results. God defines results in terms of character. Words like productivity and efficiency remain conspicuously absent from the fruit of the Spirit (see Gal. 5:22-23). These results of God working in your life all reflect character – His character. Character alone produces godly results.
– end quote, (they came from various sections; in order but with some left out for length shortening purposes)


♡ Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ♡

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Buying Character

January 20, 2016 at 2:35 am (Mile Stones, Remodeling the Mind, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , )


Hello again, Word of God, speaking incomprehensible wisdom to this wait weary soul!

Where do trials end? I wonder. ..
The wait for forward movement to a long and obscure process, moves forward. The answer is given, “wait no more”. For those just coming on board to this story, it’s been spaced out and my post have significantly reduced over the last 2 1/2 months. The reason? We were given the green light to move by Adonai. The desired destination in Sam and I’s heart went north, back to Montana. God pointed to Albuquerque NM. We thought about it for about 5 seconds, and obeyed. Found a house that seemed to have just been waiting for us. Every single thing on our end lined up, checked out, and flowed. The house? No so much. Complications arose that stunned everyone involved. My lender said they had never encountered such unusual circumstances in 14 years. It was far from what can be called “typical hang ups” in the whole house buying process. Then God after saying “wait, hang in there with Me, I’m doing something here.” Finally said, “Enough, move on.” With the relief that comes with tension that alters the structure of bones, tendions and ligaments in a limb that has been forced to hang on, release happened but it came with little reward. We don’t have to wait on that house anymore.

I’m back here in Albuquerque about to launch on house hunting again tomorrow. I’m not excited. In fact, I’m tempted to call and cancel tomorrow. I’m tired. I’m tired of houses, I’m tired of looking at temporary things! I’m tired. The business we just started still taxes our reserves. We’re bone weary. What was the purpose to that whole senario? We may never know. We lost money, we lost time, we lost sleep. But we didn’t lose our trust in God. We’re wealthy people, indeed! The above scripture tells the tale. At least in some very small measure. We were buying truth, character, not a house. It was never about buying a house. In these cases usually one of two things happens. Either one buys the illusion of this world. House, home, security, financial betterment, something to put ones personal touch to. Which amounts to a house buying them. Or a house is obtained and the inner character of the only home that matters (inside ones soul) grows beyond the square footage of the structure one just moved into.

How does one buy, truth? To purchase something one must pay something to obtain something else. Most transactions use money to get the thing, whatever it may be. Trading isn’t really a method anymore. With a few exceptions like vehicals and in some cases houses. But these are more upgrades than trades. Either way theres an exchange of “goods”. The drastic difference in buying truth is we bring absolutely no goods to the bargining table. We exchange lies for the truth, upgrade selfishness to service, purchase humility and throw away the old pride rags we once wore like a good broke-in pair of shoes. In this case, we purchased integrity over shelter. People were considered more valuable than the house. It’s still perplexing everyone involved. Us included. People who failed royally to do their jobs, were prayed for in blessing, and we dove in to do their job without a second thought. Where did this come from? I mean, we’re still as human as anyone. It stung. It annoyed. It wrung us out with frustration. But when asked to move forward, through that, trade it for gratitude –
we simply dug in with joy. Many people involved bought the truth and didn’t sell it. Not just Sam and I. The end result seems deflating. Well. …if looked on with human eyes. God’s glory is blinking all over the whole thing. Just because we don’t see it as humans understand victory, doesn’t mean it’s not there. That is truth. Bought and sold, no regrets, not changing my mind. So what, so we don’t come away with the house. The home that matters has been remodeled, expanded and appraises far greater in worth than the most expensive piece of property on earth! The foundation is laid on Yeshua (Jesus), who bought no house, but owned them all. Who slept more in the wilderness but deserved the finest bed known to man. He was at peace because His Father’s house followed Him everywhere and made everyone else welcome, nurtured, and cared for. This was/is His delight. Therefore it is in Him that these character changes come to be formed, no credit can be accounted unto our account. We simply bought the truth and didn’t sell it when everyone else said “sell it, move on!” (Well not everyone, but most). God said “don’t, stick with it, trust Me!” We did. That is all that matters. Then when He said, “Enough, move on.” The same action is being applied as we speak. Still no idea what He did there, and what He’s doing now. More to be revealed.

I’ve never ever thought about this whole life as being one long transaction of buying Character, purchasing truth. Now I know. What a difference that perspective brings to all things. I’m not looking forward to house hunting tomorrow, but I am curious. ..what transformation of my character is about to be done? Not only in me, but everyone involved and watching once again.

Oh how I pray the glory of God continues to sparkle around every inch of the journey. Character and Truth can only be bought from the Maker of them. We never get the deed to sell off when we see fit. It’s our inheritance to value or plunder, but its given – never depending on the knowledge of which we’ll choose – by Him. And we’ll give an account of it, whether we plundered or valued it. But we were never able to get ‘rid of it’, sell it, once given, it is and always will be ours to account for. We can’t be fooled into thinking our weakness cancels the investment. Or anyone else’s weaknesses involved. The results don’t guarantee what seemingly to us was the goal. We don’t have to read God’s Word for long to figure that out. His ways are not ours, but they are always right, just, true, and best. The real results I’m awaiting come only from His lips – saying…”Well done!”

In the above verse, there are three more things we are instructed to “buy”. To expound on them at great length with words is pointless, except with these. ..”If you don’t buy the truth, the three that follow can not be purchased”. They all go hand in hand. Buy the Truth, and the rest come as a package deal. But try as we may to purchase wisdom without truth and chaos ensues. Discernment bought without truth is pure folly. And how, how can discipline be bought without truth? If you lack any of the following three, it’s pointing to the first as the deficiency. The Truth is a person, it’s God Himself and His greatest Character.

We serve God from the overflow of our relationship with Him, not as an aside to it. – Wayne Stiles

♡ Grace and peace in Yeshua the Messiah ♡

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