Distance & Measurements

June 3, 2015 at 1:32 am (Poems) (, , , , , , , , , , )


Lord, You determine all things
You mark out the measure
You are the ruler, the gage
Your timing perfect, Your grace always the distance

The length You allow for my falling is a breath from Your hand
I slip, but You catch me
Before I can panick, before I realize my foots demise
Your grace pulls me to You
Your grace is gravity
Your mercy is what marks the time
In increments, and inches
Seconds, and minutes
Your love will be my only determiner
The strength of Your affection is a constant protection
Just because You made me
Just because I am, because You are

Deeds have no instructions to bring me to You
Nearer, or further away
The nearness of You to me is set upon Your Holy call
Not determined by running or falling by my feeble limbs
But Your out stretched Hand of everlasting choosing
Nothing can snatched me from Your will and affection
Your delight is as steady as the sun and moon
Measuring hours, and tides
Seasons, growth, and life
I rest in Your measure
I trust in distance unteachable in human terms
Known only to You
Your hand has determined to save me
I will praise the works of Your hands


♡ Grace and Shalom in Yeshua the Messiah ♡

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  1. Distance & Measurements | sevv61's Blog said,

    […] Distance & Measurements. […]


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