The Gift of Repentence!

August 12, 2015 at 10:21 am (Prayers) (, , , , , , , , , , )


From one glory to the next, God is shaping me. The glow of His glory cast a shadow over my unruliness, but I must remember that I, myself, have been brought into His Light. In union with the Messiah, I stand upon the precipice with only Him as an anchor. But what an anchor! He who calls the Light to reveal what doesn’t belong in Him, and therefore in me. Sending forth a shadow to highlight where the Spirit given as a gift can put my spiritual hands to the task of taking out the garbage. It’s this gift that changes everything. I, alone, can change none of it. Of myself, should I reach for it with the intent to throw it away without Him, I shall find myself playing with it and desiring to keep it. What a bizarre nature I have apart from Him! Oh, how I praise Him for breaking into my comfort and lighting up the room I often sit in, thinking a light is on. I praise His invasion, intrusion, and intervention!


I, repent, O Holy Father, never let me be unbroken over my stubborn heart to call the shots in the life YOU have given me! Cut me off in my futile attempts to paint Your name with a false piety of repentance! Let no untrue motive be allowed to make a home in my heart! For to truly LIVE is to know You, to fellowship with You without interruption! Repentence is the pathway of peace that opens my ears, eyes, and heart to receive You and let You cover me with all that You are! Yeshua, You are the gate I walk through, I acknowledge there’s no other way. Take my hand O Holy Brother, Savior and Friend and show me the way to die that You may live inside me! Take over this vessel and make it straight and unrelenting as You are for the work of the Kingdom of heaven! I have nothing, nothing without You.

The gift of is repentance precious, I set my heart of the pathway to peace. Not for myself, or for my fellow man, though You certainly grace us with these by-products of turning and returning, but that the Glory of the Source, which is You alone, may become known. Truly known, real, alive and full!

Behold what manner of Love the Father has given into us! The power to run from sin and into His arms!


♡ Grace and Shalom in Yeshua the Messiah ♡


  1. Linda Herz said,

    Yes, yes and yes… with every beat of His heart in me.


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