Who are You Looking For?

April 4, 2024 at 6:56 am (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

A King? A Sign? A Rescuer? A Restorer? A Warrior?

Before Yeshua/Jesus Ben Ya’akov/Jacob – Yeshua Ben YHWH, came; the people called by Hashem were looking for another King David. A human warrior to scrape the Roman vermin off the Promised Land. To this day, some are still looking for this Warrior Messiah, denying Yeshua’s existence as He is. The many “messiah’s” of the intertestamental period were all opposers to the political and ruling classes of those times. Even the 12 looked for a warrior Messiah to free all Israel from the act of human rulership before Yeshua called them. This was a major reason for Judas’ disillusionment that led to his betrayal. The souls cry for freedom from unfair bondage has always enabled victim mentality. Victim mentality is one of thousands of symptoms of self-pity. It’s one of the Adversary’s favorite deceptions. A cause for “justice” against evil dominators that persecute the poor expendable’s, while those whose hearts beat for greed discover the most perverse ways to spend their own self-pity.

The leaders and Prophets of the chosen people – His people – wrote of Him in their scriptures; yet they didn’t recognize Him. Those that could have crowned Him believed the lie. A lie that whispers the things of this world are more real and that Hashem has lied and hidden from us – rather than the other way around. The Adversary always reverses the truth. Now Satan is god, freeing mankind from a lying creator. Though there are many names for his “saviors” they are all the same one – from the Garden in the beginning. RA, BAAL, Molech, Buddha, Mohammad, Sheva, Ishatar, sun gods, fire gods, gods of the sea and mother earth to name a few. Every single cult from the garden to this day all find their DNA in that snake. Aliens AKA Nephillim, giving mankind knowledge, warfare, metallurgy, science… ideas, oh yes, ideas, how to convince mankind to save themselves,  hate themselves. Reject the world created for them. The Creator/Maker/Former – YHWH who breathed life into them. Marginalize His greatness, mock His patience. Distort His loving-kindness, shame His judgement. Put limits on True Intelligence by calling human IQ – genius. Humans with a legacy of choosing curses over blessings, because comfort, convenience, and wealth are far more tangible. Ultimately asking Moshe to speak to and repeat what YHWH says because His power was too much to take in. Asking Samuel for a human king instead of the King of Kings to rule them. The warning of the One who made humans and knew them as no other, He warned them.

1st Samuel 8 & 1st Samuel 12 - at this point its so important for anyone reading this to look up and read these scriptures for themselves, I won't be typing them out for convenience. 

ALL forms of government have failed – repeatedly. Even the ultimate representation of “freedom” – the Republic with a Constitution that states: “We the people…” In it it claims a God with no specificity as to which one.

A mass of people to rule themselves.

Always a thing that starts out well; as they say…”a road paved with good intentions”. It ends exactly as Hashem said it would. Now 5784 years later…

The “powers that be” lording over and lying with the script written by the perfect deceiver. Giving the illusion of no curse – only blessing. Love inclusive, even of evil. Now self-pity swims in the blood of humans; discarding, using, manipulating, and perversing other humans. Everyone is an immigrant screaming against the new ones. Human “rights” become bondage – making human slaves but they don’t know it. Not wanting an END to evil and sin, but an end to its consequences/curses or at least a break from it. A new place instead of the true and incomparable place we’ve been given. Calling the deeds of man capable of killing a planet. Not sin, but CO2 and guns. Not complacent comfort seeking or outright rebellious children who vote for those who seek to milk them and keep them helpless – exactly as Hashem said human rulers would do and those who vote for them would get. The common people – perpetual victims; the rulers deluded by power that is more akin to a drug induced high, playing like children with a ticking time bomb.

As for the church: of some named christ/messiah, looking for another warrior to kill all the evil people. For an escape from the persecutions they know are coming. Yeshua, a nice teacher or a God-who-changed-his-mind and came to reject His own and replace everything set in perpetuity – making God a liar/fake and insecure. Injecting every evil ritual and twist into things called religion. The Bible – a nice story for the weak or at the very least divorced from its beginnings. Ignoring the very Word they say they live by. Now they are looking for the “Great Escape” and again a warrior on a horse that will finally hand out weapons to the “righteous ones”. Humans looking for a savior to right the sin-stained world into a better – sin-stained world. Making anyone wonder if anyone has ever known Life and true blessing, known the true depth of Love. The kind that leaves no room for death and deception, advises against evil, and will come in JUDGEMENT: no longer a Lamb but a Lion.

A Lion with a scroll – the Torah aflame and ready to prove the One who is and was and will always be the Word. Given to mankind for their good – IS GOD. Worthy of all the fear and reverence of all His creation. Redeeming His people – but the battle – that is His alone. He has won the victory. Only the Adversary will fool men into thinking they can kill.

So… the bottom line:

There’s no making America “great” again. That is not the plan. There’s no entity on earth or aliens from another place that will finally fix the earth or earthlings. There’s no man-made super computer-chipped, science brilliant savior slated to save mankind, no comic book hero. No amount of human choice for “good politics” will bring freedom. No world organization is going to unify human beings. Enslave them,  yes. Free them, no. Climate change is in the Bible and its called – the END – acharit-hayamim in hebrew. It’s final, it’s done and no amount of lies, human torture or illusionary miracles will change it.

2nd Peter 3 - it's all right there in black and white. 

If one is going to live beyond this end – one will have to become the slave of Hashem/Messiah Yeshua/ and the Spirit given as a result. This is the only Way one will make it into the forgiven kingdom we don’t deserve.

He made all things and He’s going to make all things right. Just like in Noach’s/Noah’s time, the rains came – it was time and too late for all but 8. In Eygpt, Moshe came and demanded Hashem’s people for Himself – it was time and the people were freed and Egypt humiliated. In Yonah’s/Jonah’s time, Nineveh was sent a warning and a way out – it was time – these repented. Hashem sent messengers to Lot and his family to evacuate Sodom – it was time, and too late for all of Sodom and Gomorrah. The Earth is warming to warn mankind of the fire that IS coming, its time but not yet too late. Not to try and save a sin-filled world but to end evil altogether. It is time. The “boat” to get on is Yeshua. The Deliverer to follow is Yeshua. The message He sent/ sends is: repent. The messengers He sends will save far fewer than Hashem’s heart has room for. It is time, not too late – yet.

Who you are looking for starts at the beginning of the Bible and consideres no opinion of man in its interpretation. For the souls purpose of knowing the One True God – Hashem – in hebrew (Deuteronomy 30:20) His Son – Yeshua – a Jew on purpose, for a reason – not to be Romanized or made gentile in anyway. For nothing, not one tiny microscopic thing has ever been done without a world of purpose architecturally designed by Hashem. To receive the Spirit, who will blind when blindness is needed, deafen when deafness is needed for the purpose of repentance- turning – teshuva in hebrew. So that by Yeshua’s righteous blood alone we can stand before Hashem and have no fear that we “cast our rights” aside and choose the blessings of the Monarchy of Heaven without feeling any loss.

Then our eyes will behold Him and ears will be given back to hear and follow His voice – John 10:1-5.

For only from Hashem’s perspective is the Way that can withstand the fires that are coming. Man’s ways will not endure. The Adversary’s ways will burn with him and his followers forever. Revelation 20:10

Justice IS coming

The land/earth is filled with blood that cries out for it. It will be perfect. It will be done.

The question is: Who are you looking for? This may be your last chance – choose you this day…Psalms 95; Joshua 24; Revelation 22:12-17; Deuteronomy chapters 27-34; John 14:15-21; John chapter 17.

Now, to the One who can keep you from falling and set you without defect and full of joy in the presence of His Sh’khinah/glory – to God/YHWH alone, our Deliverer, through Yeshua the Messiah, our Lord – be glory, majesty, power and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen (Jude 24&25)

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July 1, 2023 at 3:47 pm (WSGD Newes) (, , )

Job 38:1-3 ~ Then Adonai answered Iyov (Job) out of the storm: “Who is this, darkening My plans with his ignorant words? Stand up like a man, and brace yourself; I will ask questions; and you, give answers!”

I was having a conversation with a neighbor. The subject was a current world situation at that time Covid and the lock down. In all my brilliance I thought to chase this neighbors heart into the Truths waiting arms. I simply stated what I believe. With an incredulous look he asked me: “why would they lie?” I was caught out, not at the question itself, but the enormity of the answer. I can still see the words flow from my mouth as I responded; “Why does anyone lie?” The neighbor stood there in the infinity of time for which an answer to my question has been asked and answered. I stood there hoping they would see. Their answer? “I’m sorry you feel that way, Lisa.” And they walked back to their house. That moment rocked me to my core. First because I saw this beloved human that God created walk away from seeking the Truth and it grieved me deeply. Second because as neighbors go, this one had actually been the kind of neighbor that our Lord God instructs us to be. When they saw a need, they came to assist. Not our fellow believers on the block, this unbelieving neighbor had. They were the first to introduce themselves, before we moved in. Since then they assisted when it was obvious Sam and I could use some help.

The third reason is because in that moment I was brought to the throne with the enormity of the answer to: why does anyone lie? The answer? SELFISHNESS. Yes, the long and short of it is in this root in the heart of all mankind. Think about it… have you ever lied that you might not gain something from a deceit?

In context to the conversation, it’s simple…

You see, people lie because they reject the truth. Whether it be an agency, group, business, or government. The Truth they reject is a person, not a concept. Yeshua – Jesus, the One in whom those scriptures refer. If it be an individual, it’s the same. I vacillated between the arguments. Someone lying to protect someone else… surely the argument can be made that this is unselfish!? The Truth answered, “who is this, darkening My plans with ignorant words?” “Whose job is it to protect anyone? – who has given Me anything and made Me pay it back? Everything belongs to Me under all of heaven.(Job 41:11)

The fact is, My Master and Savior had many minutes, hours, days and years planned to teach me about the answer to the questions. Questions man so proudly ask thinking it’s wisdom, a path to learning; questions sent out from the heart of finding answers for themselves. The only wise question is one asked of The Creator for an answer. When He questions us, it’s life. When we question Him, it will depend on humility as to whether Life or Death shapes the answers. We can question others or ourselves to infinity in futility. There is only One safe place to question anything and find the correct answers every time, humbly at The Masters feet, empty of answers we bring to the session.

In the times we live in now how can we not visit this one life saving fact: that we will question and there is only One where the answers can be given. It’s not in a book, even written by someone who know the One who has all answers. It’s not in another fellow believer. A brother or sister in Yeshua – Jesus can point us to the Answer to any question, but the answer is The One who shapes all things, protects all things, moves all things, holds all things on His shoulder and is trustworthy without question or doubt. His methods and knowledge of all involved is absolute. Most assuredly not the way we would do. It can look abandoning, threatening, insane at times. If you read His Word, this pattern is obvious and leaves no room for questioning His methods. Covid, lockdowns, lies told by the government, lies told by a loved one, lies told to yourself… they were known before the creation of the world to Him. Do you trust Him to use them for His glory? Do you trust Him to bring your knees to the grounds of holy humility in transforming all your deceits to the Truth that HAS set you free, right now, this minute to His glory?

Questions are fruit in relationship with the One Living God, they are poison anywhere else for any reason. The absoluteness of this statement is an offense to the human soul that does not want to be a slave to the Master. Yeshua – Jesus came and walked among us, died and rose again to example this slavery. To answer the question: How can one please a Holy God? It is up to each individual to learn the question and live the answer in the same footsteps of Messiah – Christ. In anytime.

Be not afraid my Fellowsheep, for He is with us and for us and has never and will never abandon us.

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Watch “Amir Tsarfati: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly News” on YouTube

March 25, 2022 at 4:32 pm (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

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Watch “Is the End of Days Prophesied in the First Word of the Bible?” on YouTube

March 12, 2022 at 6:54 pm (WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , )

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March 11, 2021 at 9:32 pm (Remodeling the Mind, Thoughts to Ponder, WSGD Newes) (, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , )

This is what the projectors show up on the walls as the congregation enters the sanctuary…

Pastor Rick Rethorford was sitting behind the curtain just to the left of the pulpit platform. “Your glory, O Lord, is the point to all that goes on here today. Everyday. May You get the glory through me.” He watched as the room was filling with the noise and motion of family. Today was family day. All the family of the congregation would be present, only toddlers and infants ministries were available today. They would join all for the picnic after this service. 1238 people were now seating and greeting. Worship music still rang across the balusters in the ceiling. The singing was done with not a single instrument today. Voices were the great shout of worship. It had been amazing. The faces of all were filled with joy at the surprise of how fun and full it had been. Rick smiled, and stepped out to greet this family and lead them to the feet of Yeshua… Jesus.

The congregation slowly began to quiet as they watched their beloved Pastor of 25 years step to the pulpit. Reading the quote up on the walls to the right and left, shifting for comfort or discomfort, waiting…

“Good morning!” Rick spoke with his smile accenting his tone.

“Good morning!” Came the crowds reply.

“It’s our 25th anniversary! I thought we’d do it a bit different today. So you children and teens have joined us young and old adults for the service. Today is a whole congregation participation day. In the pockets of the seats in front of you and for those here up front, under your seats; is a paper and pencil. For your convenience a Bible is there to be a table of sorts to write on. Please, if you will would you begin by writing down the character of the Bible you would most like to be like.” Rick stepped back from the pulpit. “This is going to be fun!” He thought to the Lord.

The sanctuary filled with the sound of movement and papers rustling, some laughter and low audience murmurs. Soon, silence as the answers to the first inquiry were being thought of and written down. Eyes looked up in thought, months twitched. Each person rolling through the Word looking for the character of one that they most identified with or admired. There are many. Some wrote immediately. Rick waited until each face was again oriented towards him.

“There are three accounts in the gospels of the paraplegic who Yeshua/Jesus, healed but first He spoke forgiveness over him. This offended the crowd. He then, knowing what they were thinking asked which is easier: to forgive a man’s sin or heal him of his bodies wounds. Which do you think is easier?” Again Rick stepped away from the pulpit to que the congregants to their answers on the paper.

A sea of heads looked down at their papers. Young heads looked to the right and left to see other answers. Rick giggled inside. ” Lord, is it cheating to look at another’s paper?”

Again, Rick waited until all eyes rested on him to step back to the pulpit. He stood there, smiling. Letting the moment fill with joy. Little by little laughter rang out from the family before him. “You won’t be graded for your answers…” relieved humor filled the air more boisterous than before.

“On the bullet signs to my right and left, is a quote from Dr. Larry Crabb. A brother in our family, and respected member of authorship and counseling for the body of Messiah for many years now. I will read it aloud:

“Is the first sentence of this statement true or false?” Once again, Rick stepped away from the pulpit to indicate the congregants que to their papers.

Parents heads leaned over towards younger children who were questioning the question. Others sat looking at the bullets to the right or left, as if the answer was written up there to find. Others simply wrote their answers. 15 minutes passed until all attention rested again on Pastor Rick before them.

In total, 38 minutes had elapsed since the first question. Now the fun would begin. “Please go back to the first answer, who here wrote Yeshua/ Jesus down as your answer?”

A strong sense of consternation filled the air, as those with the answer sought after was revealed. 18 hands were raised. “Please, if you will look around at the hands raised around you.” The moment was pregnant with surprise, both from the few hands and the lack of them that were present in a sanctuary filled to the brim with people. Pastor Rick let the moment sit heavy and thoughtful. “Now it’s important for the second answer to speak to you from your page. How many said it’s easier to forgive sin than heal the physical body?” Again, hands both small and large began raising into the air. Amounting to about 1/3 of the people. All eyes refocused on Pastor Rick after a look around the room. He smiled a tender smile, “The third question could be considered a trick question, if you answered true, you were wrong in technicality. If you answered false you were right in technicality. The Word of God does not begin with a divorce. The story of God’s children in sin, does. You may be wondering how do all these questions tie together, you may not, as you may have already surmised through the Spirit the point to them. It’s not to shame, it’s not a right or wrong answer theme. Instead it’s a bigger question of “first things first” – Rick held up his quote fingers. The truth that we all long to have Yeshua/Jesus be our greatest aspiration for modeling is the point. The character for those who wrote another name can teach you this. So in a way it’s not a wrong answer, but it’s revealing. We live in a dark time in this world, with the light growing dimmer or brighter within the lamp house of our own hearts. My hope is that when we come together we fill each other’s lamps with oil, that helps us shine brighter, even if there’s humility involved. This is a time where discerning questions are crucial. Yet also an atmosphere of welcome for what could appear to be silly questions. Or obvious answers. We don’t gather here every Saturday to learn about the Lord, and that alone… we gather here together to learn about His heart for each of us. For you youngsters in your classes, is Yeshua the first and last thing you want more of when you leave here, for you teens, for each of us adults – this is the same. Age does not change the reality of the goal. Nor does it change the mission for each of us. My duty in love to the Lord is to encourage you to make Him everything – first, last and everything in-between. Your duty in love to the Lord, no matter how old we are, knowledgeable we are, well known or unknown, popular or peculiar – is the same. To know the technical truth of His Word, and the truth Dr. Crabb is getting at. To desire only Yeshua in His Word for our character. And to know that the fact that we all sit here… (tears begin to fall down Pastor Rick’s face, his voice shakes…) forgiven because of Him is far beyond healing of physical bodies, beyond miraculous physical provision, beyond ANYTHING we could ask for or imagine… so now… let us each bow our heads and speak to the Lord our hearts and let Him shape them as a result of the ingredients of this time together. Let’s let Him have the last say to us before we move on to lunch and enjoying each other. Just each of us and Him… let us bow our heads and seek the First and Last, our Salvation, our Hope.”

For the next 30 minutes heads were bowed, in unity but individual captivity to The One who was and is and is to come…

May the Messiah, Yeshua be our hearts decision maker, our minds discernment of wisdom, and our lives the oil of annointing in love. May we be found full and ready as these days open and close with the light of the Sun. May the darkness be as light because He dwells within us and shines through us. May our unity be in Him alone, no matter where our individual relationships be evaluated with Him, may He be our focus and strength. To Him be the glory, and Him alone… now and forever…

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